2022-06-27 FINAL GlowbeTable of Contents 1. Gate Will Take Your Phone! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbnTKQwsrPUi5A3QCKaiDFUCdAKkL4NGc_5COeU5dE/edit#bookmark=kix.oe0rqvr50xmq> 2. Mx Firefly Pageant <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbnTKQwsrPUi5A3QCKaiDFUCdAKkL4NGc_5COeU5dE/edit#bookmark=id.fh46sp77936z> 3. Firefly's Open Stage Has A Lot of Great Events NOT Listed in the WWW <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbnTKQwsrPUi5A3QCKaiDFUCdAKkL4NGc_5COeU5dE/edit#bookmark=id.g0mdiuhpexqq> 4. Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbnTKQwsrPUi5A3QCKaiDFUCdAKkL4NGc_5COeU5dE/edit#bookmark=id.kqv1v1l2ly2w> 5. Links <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbnTKQwsrPUi5A3QCKaiDFUCdAKkL4NGc_5COeU5dE/edit#bookmark=id.3eyapwypc4vi> This issue is also published to the web at this link <https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTiJuS2yxXCOkjwvJKKpUJFq-0SwWMrG7TZPlhUVuJgHRY55cg0mIIjlnt8GbMjRNHcdknfbEQq9nzk/pub> Gate Will Take Your Phone!! Heads up: if you are planning to show proof of vaccination (or PCR test results) on your phone, we will need to take your phone from you for a few minutes. Before doing this, we’ll ask you to go into your phone settings and turn the screen timeout to 5 minutes (we will have instructions on how to do this). For those of you who haven’t been to Firefly, when you arrive at the Gate we require that you stay in your car. Your IDs and proof of vaccination (if you didn’t upload your SMART card already!) are brought over to our Security team so we can get you checked in. Please don’t make us take your phone! Verify your vaccination status on your ticketing dashboard <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/> ahead of time (fastest!) or bring physical, hard-copy (photocopy is ok) proof of vaccination (or PCR test results). If you’re arriving with PCR results, we will also need to see that you have enough test kits to test daily. Don’t pack them away! Questions? Contact gate@fireflyartscollective.org Firefly's Open Stage Has A Lot of Great Events NOT Listed in the WWW The Open Stage is located up the hill on Mercurial Way, right across from Verdant Ave. This year's schedule of events at the Open Stage is looking quite fun. And, there is still space available if you want to contribute your own entertainment or shenanigans! Most of these events are not included in the WhoWhatWhen, so it's worth taking a look-see and noting ones you don't want to miss. The schedule will also be posted at the Stage. You can see all of the events on the schedule board, and submit your own, here: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/open-stage/ So far... Wednesday afternoon, there is a Circle Singing Session to ease us into the week. Thursday, we have another Circle Singing Session, a Knitting Circle with Instruction, and a Karaoke Throwdown! Friday features a lot of music -- Live and DJ'd. Over the Garden Wall, a Hybrid Set, Spooky Booga Wooga Acoustic Folk Punk, and a Chill Pills Opera & Lecture. Saturday kicks off in the morning with a Yoga Practice and Stretch Therapy, Vintage Parlor Games, Muppet Zoology (yeah, you read that right), and WUBs (we're as mystified as you, just have to come see for yourself). Sunday has Comedic/Raunchy Songs accompanied by live instruments. ~ Stage Core Mx. Firefly Pageant Attention all self proclaimed beauty queens! Get hyped for the 2022 Mx. Firefly Pageant 3pm, Saturday hosted by Diode Music by the magnificent DJ Char What is the Mx Firefly Pageant? The Mx Firefly Pageant is your local inner beauty pageant!! Who can enter? Anyone! Gender is a construct! Bring a sash and declare yourself Mx“Something.” Expect to showcase a talent, participate in silly games, and answer questions. We will have a panel of fabulous judges who have very broad terms of what talent and beauty are, especially when they are being bribed. Not enough time before Firefly to make a sash? Don't have any fabric? Come hang out, make sashes, and sip cool drinks in the bug thorax on Thursday from 4-6pm. Contact Mx Firefly via messenger pigeon if you have questions or for more details. Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF It might be that Nothing is Holy. Or that Everything is Holy. In burnerland, the closest thing we have to ‘generally accepted as Holy’ is the Temple. Out of respect for Fireflies who use the Temple as a focus for grief, loss, and personal change: do not move or remove *any* objects that are left in the Temple. And the Temple burn is traditionally observed in silence. Links Announce/ Glowbe Archives <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/pipermail/announce/> Communicating with Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> The 10 Principles <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/what-is-firefly/10-principles/> Volunteer at Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/>