*Hi! The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or essential info about Firefly. Read on for important event updates, we’ll keep it short and sweet. 1094 Fireflies have tickets.399 Fireflies are wait listed(!) *Not going? Refund your tix NOW so others can plan.*21 days until the bug burns.Contents: 1) The Waitlist, the Bus vs Parking Crunch, and YOU 2) WhatWhereWhen Guide: Firefly’s event calendar 3) Open Stage wants your performances 4) Swipe right on Theme Camp profiles (and add your own) 5) How to photograph at Firefly 6) Donate & Chill: IceHole offers up ICE----- 1) The Waitlist, the Bus vs Parking, and YOUNearly 400 people are on the ticketing waitlist, yowza. How can you help more friends get a golden ticket? * Refund your ticket if you’re not going!* Plan your transportation *this weekend*, that is - buy your car passes OR bus tickets - so we know better how many parking spots are still in play. Parking is the biggest limiter of how many tickets we can sell. * Every bus ticket sold frees up some car space. :) The bus also is reliable, social, hauls your gear without cramming it into a hatchback, buys your camping water, offers a solution to pack out your trash… AND when possible, drives your gear up to camping zone luggage drops. It is a great deal. Plan yo transport now! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/getting-there-transporta... <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/getting-there-transportation-and-parking/> 2) WhatWhereWhen Guide: Time to add your events!The WhatWhereWhen (WWW) Guide is Firefly's calendar of any-and-all events happening in the woods. Add *your* crazy happenings to the guide; which is a big ol’ google calendar that anyone can view, print, subscribe to, and download. Submissions are now open - tell Fireflies what (and when, and where) to find your thang! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/whatwherewhen/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/whatwherewhen/> 3) Open Stage is your place to perform - book slots nowFirefly has an Open Stage for performances and events, and it’s open for anyone to reserve! Prominently located and improved every year, Stage is an ideal platform for… Live music, Theatrical or spoken word events - Strange contests or wet tutu pageants - or anything else you’d want to do before a crowd. * Central location visible from the big path * Stage and audience are protected from weather * Has a full sound system, assorted mics, lighting, & power access for your gear * Stage is not staffed, but Art Support Kamp is nearby. Bring your awesome!See Open Stage page for details & schedules, and a form to add your own events: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/open-stage/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/open-stage/> 4) Check out Theme Camp listings Theme Camps -- list your camp profile on the Firefly website if you want folks to find you! See the camp listings, and post your own anytime, at the theme camp page: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/theme-camps/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/theme-camps/> 5) How to photograph at Firefly Things can get radically weird and exploratory at Firefly, and there’s a lot to glimpse. Fireflies expect to not be photographed without explicit consent in this environment - and responsible photo sharing etiquette is taken seriously. Respectful photography is welcome, and there is plenty of it at the Firefly website; which we love for folks to contribute to (more on that below). If you plan to use a camera - do read our guidelines on photography and image conduct: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/firefly-polici... <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/firefly-policies/firefly-event-recording-guidelines/> Got pics that show the best of Firefly? Consider uploading them to Firefly’s photo gallery for posterity. It’s a less web indexed, less creepily-personal-info-tagged alternative to facebook! Got photos & videos of Art? Please consider submitting them to Firefly, it's a nice gift to the artists who could always use more pics of their work. We’ll have a way to do this after the event. 6) Donate & Chill: IceHole offers up ICE Want ice for coolers, or extra ice to gift to your neighbors or favorite bar? Pitch in to the elegant volunteer project IceHole, which makes bagged ice freely and cheerfully available to us on site. They could still use a few hundred bucks to ensure enough local Vermont ice for everyone, at supply costs of $1 per 5 lb bag. Or volunteers! Penguin suits welcome. More about these IceHoles: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/icehole2018/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/icehole2018/> -----Got a critical announcement for the community? Communications team can help you add it here, or in other Official Voice Of Firefly channels. Details: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> Stay tuned year round: Announce list <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/announce> — (This email list) Must-read info for event ticketholders or those hoping to be. Tix registration auto-subscribes you here (hi!), though you can drop out any time (bye) Blink list <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/fireflyblink> — Community discussion email list. FB announcements page <https://www.facebook.com/firefly.arts.collective/> — ‘Like’ & Follow this page to get notifications from FAC via Facebook. FB discussion group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/firefly.arts.collective/> — Join this group to participate in FB community discussions. All ^these^ links and moar: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> See you in the woods! ##*