Hello Community Members, We're going to have another offering of the workshop in early June. This will follow the same curriculum as the previous BARCC workshops, including recognizing sexual assault, being an active bystander, and responding to disclosures. It will be three separate sessions with breaks in between, so expect somewhere from 4.5 to 5 hours total commitment. It will be hosted at a location near the red line. * If you're interested in joining the Firefly Conduct Committee and haven't participated in this workshop before, please consider attending this session as it would cover one of their requirements. * If you're interested in being a Sanctuary Supervisor for Firefly, please try to attend as I believe this material or an equivalent course will be strongly encouraged. * If you're interested in volunteering for the SafeWord program offering support to disclosers in and out of events, attendance to this or a previous instance is required. We will be having the next workshop on either June 3rd or 4th; please indicate your availability in this poll if you're interested:
You must also fill out this application in order to attend:
Thanks everyone, Emile.