Greetings Fireflies - 

We probably don't need to remind you that there will be no event in the woods this summer

However, that does not mean that art cannot be made! 

Firefly Arts Collective has set aside a limited budget for facilitating art grants this year, and we are opening submissions today. 

Types of projects may include: 
- Art that is purely virtual
- Art that is physical and live streamed and/or virtually interacted with in some way
- Art that is publicly viewable in a way that doesn't discourage responsible social distancing
- Art that replicates the "Temple" or "Burn" experiences.
- (Insert your creative idea here!)

Please note that, as per usual, we do not pay for labor (labor/effort is how we all participate and contribute!) or general-purpose durable goods (e.g. generators, DJ equipment, etc).

If you are interested in applying, please fill out the following application form:

Since deadlines can be helpful: we are planning to review submissions on May 2nd, May 9th, and ~weekly thereafter as needed. 

Funded projects should aim to be operational by the first week in July at the latest. Please also note that receiving a grant is certainly not required for sharing some Firefly-inspired art with the community this summer, or at any time. 

Questions? Email:

Firefly Art Grants Core