Contents: 1) Annual Ticket Committee Open Forum 2) ByLaws 3) Organizational Development Committee 4) Consent 5) New Board Members ----- 1: Annual Ticket Committee Open Forum ----- The ticket committee will be hosting an open meeting at Redtail (369 Congress Street Boston 7th Floor) Thursday October 10th from 7PM - 9PM. We will be discussing what went well and what could improve. We will also review feedback from the recent surveys. If you would like to be part of the discussion please join us at Redtail (369 Congress Street Boston 7th Floor) Thursday October 10th from 7PM - 9PM. ----- 2: ByLaws ----- Not only did the board just update the bylaws, we found a spot for it on our website. You can now read our bylaws at http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-bylaws/ . ----- 3: Organizational Development Committee ----- With the recent change to the bylaws, some new positions were created, including, Director of Organizational Development. The board has voted Forest Handford to hold this position. Forest is looking for people interested in shaping the future of the organization to join the new Organizational Development Committee. He is also hosting a kick off meeting, which is open to everybody, at Redtail (369 Congress Street Boston 7th Floor) Thursday October 24th from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM. To contact Forest about the committee send an email to foresthandford at) gmail (dot com . ----- 4: Consent ----- In order to keep the event safe and fun for all, we take very seriously issues of consent. Abusing this is one of the very few things that you can do to get yourself banned from the event. I may love hugs, but when I meet somebody new I cannot assume they also like hugs. If I want to hug somebody I need to get a confirmation from them that they want a hug. Consent is needed for physical contact with other people. Consent is also important when it comes to sharing food, drinks, and intoxicants. If I've made an awesome almond pie, I should warn people it has nuts before sharing it, to prevent allergic reactions. It's also vital to let people know about intoxicants. Consent is sexy! If somebody isn't interested that means you can be challenged to find somebody else who is. In Vermont and Massachusetts the law defines three classes of people who cannot give consent. Even if these people give an enthusiastic yes, it is illegal to have sex with: 1) People under the age of consent (14 in MA and 16 in VT). 2) People who are intoxicated. 3) People who have mental or emotional handicaps. Violating consent means violating the principle of Civic Responsibility. ----- 5: New Board Members ----- We are nearing the end of reviewing a group of candidates for the Board of Directors. Thus far we have added three candidates: Rachel Boyce, Chuck Ingersoll, and Jered Floyd. Please join us in congratulating them in making this achievement and support them as they work to fulfill their new roles. We have a few more candidates that may be added over the next few weeks. ~Firefly~