Welcome to all the new subscribers of the Announce list from Firefly registration! This is *The Glowbe*, Firefly’s weekly newsletter, issue #3. Contents: 1. Reminder of event dates and details 2. Ticket registration is open 3. Firefly Open House on May Day 4. Firefly Skill Grants 5. Open Leadership Positions 6. Seeking Parking co-Lead! 7. “Just the Tip” ---------- 1. Reminder of event dates and details Firefly will be Wednesday, June 29 through Monday, July 4 in Vermont. Event tickets are $80. Parking passes are $30 per car. Bus tickets from Boston are $45 round-trip or $30 one-way. ---------- 2. Ticket Registration is open! Go to http://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org to register. Everyone who registers and mails in their signed release form postmarked by March 31 will be entered in the initial ticket lottery. Those who register April 1 or later will be put on the waitlist. LOTS of information is available at https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/tickets/, or email tickets@fireflyartscollective.org with your questions. ---------- 3. Firefly Open House on May Day The Firefly Open House will be held on May 1 at the Dilboy VFW Post in Davis Square, Somerville, from 5-9pm. All people and all the different cores that make Firefly happen will together to schmooze about plans and volunteering. If you want to find out how you can be a bigger part of Firefly, learn what goes into making it happen, or recruit for your new endeavor, it’s the place! ---------- 4. Firefly Skill Grants Firefly is happy to announce Skill Grants! We will pay for you to take a fabrication class so that you finally have the skills to make that art project, or help out with someone else's large project. The form is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XbTnfC2EeSyMDDeqog_--6t1_SmsJ-g6YvqbVz-oEJs... A few anticipated FAQs: * The class can be anywhere, we encourage you to take them at local makerspaces and community arts schools. * Reasonably priced classes are more likely to be funded; average class cost should be $200 or less. * At least 6 grants will be awarded * You can apply for more than one * If in doubt, apply! ---------- 5. Open Leadership Positions Interested in helping out with the leadership of firefly? We’ve begun the planning process for this year’s event and there are some new lead openings for various cores. (Generally volunteer experience in a core is preferred before becoming a lead, but that varies by core and is not a firm requirement.) See https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/open-leadershi... for a list of open positions! ---------- 6. Seeking Parking co-lead Greetings Fireflies! Planning season is underway and Parking Core is looking for one more person to be a co-lead. Prior to the event the parking co-leads recruit volunteers for parking and work with the gate and greeter leads to determine event logistics. During the event the co-leads are responsible for checking in with the awesome parking volunteers and responding to parking questions and issues as they arise. If you’re interested in learning more, please email us at parking@fireflyartscollective.org. ---------- 7. Just the Tip by Wendy WTF Make *something*. Everything Adds. No prerequisites exist for pARTicipation.