Hello, Fireflies! Want to help make our event even more awesome this year? We can use your help! The Department of Public Works needs volunteers to help us with two big projects: 1) Build some boardwalks and bridges! 2) Build a pond and better drainage! Can you voluteer your time and tools? We need help on the 14th-15th and 21st-22nd. If you can bring tools, that's great too! We need electric and hand saws, drills/screwdrivers, generators, shovels, sledgehammers, pry bars, hammers, and whatever you think will be useful. You may also want to bring mud boots (wellingtons), work gloves, and a few extra pairs of socks. Get ready to get dirty! Send an email to dpw@fireflyartscollective.org and let us know you want to help! Also, sign up for the Work Weekends here: http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/work-weekends/ so we know you're coming. See you in the woods! -Ozx