Or don't panic! Everything is (probably) fine. Nothing is on fire.
....yet. >:D
2. Art and Theme Camp Placement
3. How are you getting to Firefly?!
4. Early Arrival application
5. Greeters is looking for a new co-lead!
6. New Placement Core Leads
7. "Just the Tip"
1. Work Weekend sign-ups are live
The 2016 Work Weekends are scheduled for every weekend in June. This is when volunteers set up event infrastructure, terraform the land, build The Bug, and scope out sites for theme camps and art. See the Work Weekend web page for details, including how to sign up as a Work Weekend Volunteer. To sign up for the fourth work "weekend", which *ends* on
Saturday, June 25, please email
workweekend@fireflyartscollective.org directly. This short weekend is only for volunteers working on The Bug or other art pieces that require advance set-up. You may also come work on your theme camp if unable to attend Early Arrival on
Tuesday, June 28, especially if you are setting up on new land that has never been cleared for camping. Advance sign-up is still required by emailing us!
The Work Weekend Core needs one more co-leader! Email workweekend@fireflyartscollective.org for a full description of what the co-lead does.
2. Art and Theme Camp Placement
Is your camp or art project getting ready for Firefly? Make sure it has the perfect spot in the woods by filling out the Placement application before the end of May!
In a change from previous years, marking off your spot will occur at noon on Sunday June 12th as part of a Placement Potluck Brunch!
Read all the details and fill out the placement application on the
Placement page.
3. How are you getting to Firefly?!
Now that Firefly is JUST OVER A MONTH AWAY [hurray and/or oh-shit-I-need-to-work-on-art], we at Transport and Parking cores encourage you to start thinking about how you're getting to and from the event.Parking is limited and is a major problem for the event. If you must drive, please try to carpool. If you can, take the bus. EVERYONE MUST EITHER HAVE A BUS TICKET OR BE TRAVELING IN A VEHICLE WITH A PARKING PASS. Failure to do this will result in your having to pay $60 cash for a parking permit when you arrive, and no one wants to make you do that.Full details are available here:https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/getting-ready/getting-there-transportation-and-parking/Buy bus tickets or parking passes by logging into your ticket account and clicking on the "ticket sales" tab:tickets.fireflyartscollective.org.Register a seat in your car or request a ride in someone else's car here: http://www.rickyrides.com/firefly-arts-collective
4. Early Arrival application
The Early Arrival application is now live! If you are bringing art or building a theme camp, or if you have a disability that requires accommodation, you may request permission for early arrival.
Please note that requests are not handled or approved automatically: each request is reviewed by Early Arrival core. Applications will be accepted until
Wednesday, June 22 at 11:59pm. Please make sure to read all of the information on the application before applying! Questions? Drop us a line at
We will be processing EA applications on a rolling basis this year; if you apply for EA and are approved, we will update your account in the volunteer system to reflect this status. This will allow you to sign up for Firefly volunteer shifts during Early Arrival (and of course you want to! :) ).
5. Greeters is looking for a new co-lead!
(end of message)
6. New Placement Core Leads
We are pleased to welcome our two new co-leads for Placement Core: Emilie Heilig and Carl Gruesz.
Frank and I (Finn) wish to extend our hardy congratulations to the both of them. Thank you Carl and Emilie for responding to our questions about the future of Placement Core.
You are welcome to join in an impromptu coronation ceremony, perhaps at meet n greet this next Tuesday at the CBC. Or when we next get together.
7. Just the Tip by Wendy WTF
Peeing in the woods...check.
Peeing on the generator...wrong.Peeing in the portapotty...check.Peeing on the portapotty seat...bad.Carrying a baggy for used tampons, pads, or wipes...check."Hiding" toilet paper under leaves behind a tree...fail.