Hello, With awareness that our community gatherings and events are not isolated from the problems of the world, last Sunday a group of us attended workshops about being supportive of survivors of sexual assaults and being active bystanders. The workshops were provided by volunteers from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, and were tailored to the 'Burner' community. Having completed the workshops, we want to make it known that we will be available to assist a survivor in finding a space in which they feel safe. That safe space may be mental state, physical place or both. We listen to you if you or just sit with you if you want us to, or find another one of us, or other person you feel more comfortable with to support you. We will walk you out of a space or situation you don't feel comfortable in. Reporting an incident to any authorities will be entirely your decision and we will be supportive of you and whatever decision you make. We are a community driven initiative and are not required to record or report anything shared with us. You can speak to us knowing what you share goes no further than who you speak to unless you decide otherwise. We will not judge the situation or you. The BARCC-led workshops did not prepare us to be counselors or equip us to offer legal advice, though we can help direct you to those capable of providing these services. We are here to listen to you and help you reach a place where you feel safe. Please understand that there may be times when you approach one of us that we are not capable of providing you with support. If we are wearing a laminated badge (Sample attached as "ffBARCCbadges.png" or available online at http://i.imgur.com/2t3e3TW.png ) at the time you approach us that is a sign we have made ourselves available. A link to a list of those who are available to assist is below. The list also indicates if they will be available at Firefly and notes if they will be wearing a laminated badge to identify themselves as an assistant who is available at that moment. http://tinyurl.com/BurnerAdvocates (redirects to a Google Drive spreadsheet) And here is the poster displayed at Firefly including those names available at the time of publish Attached: ffBARCCposter.png, online: http://i.imgur.com/U7V5p37.png This project was brought to you with invaluable production assistance from: The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Sadiya Carr Terry Dovidio Peter Durand Sharon Kubo See you in the woods! Emile Daigle. PS: Please submit feedback for the next iteration as we will continue to evolve this community offering.