The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or useful info leading up to Firefly. This digest helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so read on for several important event updates. 1110 Fireflies have tickets. 54 Fireflies are wait listed. (Not going? Cancel your tix now <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org> so others can plan.) 16 days until the bug burns! Contents: 1) The Big Bad Tick Forecast (and what you can do) 2) Mama and Baby Hawks at Firefly 3) Accessibility Squad needs YOU 4) Fire Circles and Conclave Requirements 5) Submit an Event to the Temple! 6) Last General Work Weekend - Signups still open, lots to do 7) Firefly on Facebook and email lists ----- 1) The Big Bad Tick Forecast (and what you can do) Reports are that The Tick Situation on the land is about the worst that the locals have ever experienced. Just ask the dog who visited last week and collected 36 ticks. Ticks Are Happening! Repent! WTF can you do about these hell spawn and their tick-borne diseases? This post from First Aid breaks it all down - read up before you pack: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/ticks-omfg-whats-can/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/ticks-omfg-whats-can/> <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/ticks-omfg-whats-can/> <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/ticks-omfg-whats-can/> 2) Mama and Baby Hawks at Firefly It appears that a mother hawk is guarding an active nest in one of the Firefly camp areas this year: the site usually used by Cabana Hammock. The area has been cordoned off - both to protect the hawk and its fledglings, AND to prevent participants from being attacked by the bird. Hawks are powerful raptors; they can and do attack, and this one has been screeching warning threats to anyone who approaches. Children, drunkards, or service animals could earn a new injury (or nickname) if they wander into the Cabana-Raptor zone. Birders, bring your binoculars! We could use some species identification and info on how far along the fledglings are. A nest viewing station or wildlife info project would be most welcome outside the cordon (tripod and scope? binoculars? duck blind?) ...this writer has no such expertise, but feel free to try us at info@fireflyartscollective.org if you seek coordination for your project, or to stump us with bird logistics questions. 3) Accessibility Squad needs YOU Hey Fireflies! Did you know that there is a group at Firefly dedicated to helping people with disabilities and injuries get their stuff where it needs to go? That group is accessibility squad! Want to help Accessibility at Firefly? * Volunteer for a shift hauling at Firefly (same account as for ticketing): https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/47 * Pass around the volunteer link above to your friends! 4) Fire Circles and Conclave Requirements All fire spinning circle areas must be approved *before* the event. If your camp is interested in hosting a designated spinning zone, please contact Fire Core: fast@fireflyartscollective.org as soon as possible with details on your camp and requested space to use for spinning. This does not necessarily mean your request will be approved. We will inspect the location prior to the event to ensure it meets our safety standards. If you wish to spin in Conclave, you *must* attend one of two safety meetings during the event prior to the bug burn. During these meetings we will cover basic safety procedures as well as specific information regarding Conclave at Firefly. Times for these meetings will be on the WWW Guide (currently TBD). 5) Submit an Event to the Temple!
From Becky and the Temple Crew:
Dearest fireflies, The Temple (Impluvium) is scheduling offerings for our shared sacred space! Please share your gifts and workshops for communal healing, joy, and reflection for the mind, body, and soul! Submit an event here: https://goo.gl/forms/362Qk92VUWz7Fura2 Ideas for offerings inside and around the temple include: guided meditations, singing circles, poetry readings, yoga classes, ceremonies honoring the lives of loved ones, co-counseling facilitations, energetic healings, philosophical discussions, self-care workshops, etc. Selected events will also be added to the What/Where/When guide. 6) Last General Work Weekend - Signups still open, lots to do Get the scoop and sign up here to help with these fun/grueling DPW chores! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/getting-ready/work-weekends/ * Wood chipping: We're renting a wood chipper this weekend. Bring your gloves and earplugs if you have them so you can help line up smaller sticks to get chipped. * Log Splitting: We've been doing this a lot this year so you know the deal: Keep that splitter running all day both days. * Lawn Mowing: Bring sun gear like sunscreen, hat and your camelbak and we'll put you to work on the riding mower. * Raking (or "draking"): If you're day drinking at work weekend, we will probably hand you a rake and enjoy the show from Bass Camp. Drakers should be sober enough to apply sunscreen and bug spray before they get to work. * DPW super sober chainsaw task force: There will be active chainsaws on site but please message "dpw@fireflyartscollective.org" before showing up to work weekend about chainsaw use if that is a skill you can offer. * DPW Ghetto Erection: Um... that might happen. Want to get in on that? 7) Firefly on Facebook and email Plenty more news gets announced and discussed in the community ‘Blink list’ email list, and on the facebook group. Subscribe! Join! ‘Like.’ ASSIMILATE. * Check out the Firefly discussion email list (the “Blink” list) https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/join-us/ * Join/Like the ‘Firefly Arts Collective’ group for notifications and discussions there. https://www.facebook.com/groups/firefly.arts.collective/ Just the Tip from Wendy WTF Welcome Home! Portapotty etiquette: Sit on the seat, just like you do at home. You'll be fine. I believe in you. See you in the woods! ##