Dear Fireflies,

There is a new, virtual art project on the scene and you are all invited to participate!

Glow wherever you are!

-To participate, Fireflies will create artwork of any nature (visual, performance, music, etc.) in response to our monthly prompts.

-Share these with both the Firefly community as well as the wider community around you.

-This will take place throughout the month each month ongoing, beginning on June 1st.

-Our prompts will be posted on the Glow Facebook group, the Firefly Facebook group, and via the Firefly Official Announcement List.

Please join our Facebook group to participate:

***The prompt for the month of June is CATHARSIS!***

The goal of this project is not only to allow for the Firefly community to continue to glow in the age of social distancing but also to utilize Firefly as a jumping off point for bringing art and creative inspiration to the world as a whole; a mission which many of us have been seeking as we wish to utilize our festival experiences to enrich our wider communities.

A few rules:

Your artwork must...

-Be inspired by our monthly prompts.

-Be viewable by the public in some manner.

-Be documented in some way (or streamed live) and shared virtually with the Firefly community in the Glow Facebook group.

-Be respectful and reasonably uplifting.

-Abide by both Firefly's 10 principles and code of conduct and the laws/regulations of the wider community.

-Abide by Covid safety precautions, particularly if made interactive to the public.

Now go forth and Glow!!!