*Fire Spinners coming to Firefly!* *What fire at Firefly means to you.* All dancers, spinners, breathers, and eaters of fire are welcome to do their thing. Please use common sense and have a sober safety monitor while performing. There will be two fire safety meetings held during the event (Friday afternoon 2-2:30 and Thursday afternoon 1:30-2:00 ). Both of these will be at Camp Diode. All are welcome; however, if you plan to perform around the BUG you must attend. No fire 20' from any generators or any gas cans. *FIRE CONCLAVE (aka dancing around the bug)* All spinners must attend a safety meeting at Firefly or have prior approval from the safety core before going on the field. All spinners must be there 30 min before the event starts ( 7 pm on Friday night). *Fire spinning areas. * There are Fire spinning areas found at Camp Diode , Camp Lamp, and Love and Lions Den. Please ask before using them. If you would like a safe fire spinning area in your camp, please contact Fire and Safety core for help. *F**IREWORKS * Please do not bring fireworks to firefly. I know it's the 4th, but you can do better than that. Be original. *Fire Safety* *Things you should consider before spinning.* *Check Fire Spinning Equipment* *Always check your equipment before you use it. Check that hardware is not loosening, check handles, and trim any frayed wick or wire.* *What to Wear* *Wear tight fitting natural fibre clothing. Plastics (fleece!) not only catch fire quickly, they will also melt to your skin. Yuck. Fire test costumes before performing, or don’t wear anything. Conceal or dampen long hair.* *Never Spin Fire Alone* *It’s pretty hard for you to see if your back is on fire. Make sure your Fire Safety Tech/safety is in the ready position with a wet wool blanket or **duvetine.* *Safety of Others* *Check out your location for flammables. Ensure your fueling station is well marked, out of reach of your audience and well away from the area you’re fire spinning in. Your Fire Safety should keep an eye on the fueling station and ensure that onlookers keep a respectable distance.* *Fueling** Up* *Fuel is a subjective element of fire spinning, and we suggest you experiment to find the fuel/mix that works best for you. Keep in mind that you’re breathing the fumes of your fire.* *Camp fuel/white gas is the most popular for indoor performances and cleaner burns. It has a whiter flame, is less smoky and evaporates quickly which means shorter burn times. * *An optimum fuel station will consist of; an area roped off or will defined from the audience with easy access for you and enough room for you to dip your toys and spin off, and two containers (one Dipping Bucket, one Spin Off Bucket). A paint can with a lid works best for the dipping bucket. Secure the lid after dipping before you light up. A spin off bucket (a bucket with a handle) will capture your excess fuel, which can be added back to your fuel bucket. This is much better than soaking the earth, your surroundings, and audience.* *Let your fire toy’s excess fuel drip back into your dipping can, place your soaked wick in the bucket, hold the toy and the handle of the bucket together a couple of inches above the bottom of the bucket, swing the bucket in circles, and then take out your toys and pour the excess fuel back in your dipping bucket.* *Ask if you dont know* *Burn on !* *Fire Core* -- Johnathan West Creative Director Vizardz, LLC www.vizardz.com Creative Director / Digital Artist Sonic Beating USA Sonic Beating Website <http://www.sonicbeating.org/>