Time for another info dump from the mysterious forces that organize Firefly: The Glowbe issue #2! Contents: 1. The new firefly website! 2. Ticket registration is nigh 3. Firefly Open House info 4. Art Grants Funded 5. Firefly Skill Grants 6. ARTifacts are now Intentions 7. Request for Ticket Art 8. “Just the Tip” ---------- 1. http://www.fireflyartscollective.org has been updated with a new look! Thank you to the web team for all the time and effort put into the resdesign. ---------- 2. Registration for Firefly tickets will open later today, Tuesday March 15, at http://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org (exact time TBD.) Register & mail in your release form by March 31 and you’ll be entered into the ticket lottery on April 9. ---------- 3. The Firefly Open House will be held on May 1 at the Dilboy VFW Post in Davis Square, Somerville, from 5-9pm. At the Open House, the different cores that make up the Firefly Festival Committee get together with the community to talk about plans and volunteering. If you want to find out how you can be a bigger part of Firefly, learn what goes into making it happen, or recruit for your new endeavor, it’s the place! ---------- 4. Art Grants Funded The Temple Grant, the Ivory Grants, and the Creativity and Legacy grants have all been awarded! In total, this represents $11,500 going to artists to make art for our festival this year (so far!). Stay tuned for our upcoming Burner Exchange (BEX) Grants, and the pilot program of a new grant type: skillshare scholarships, designed to help community members learn new skills to create art. For our regular grants, we received a huge number of amazing proposal this year. For Creativity/Legacy grants alone, we considered over $17,000 in proposals for $7,500 in budgeted funds. Wow! Big shoutouts to everyone who submitted a proposal, and to the volunteers on this year's judging committee for their heroic efforts. This is going to be an amazing year for art in the woods. Congratulations to the following funded projects: Temple The Temple of Arbitrary Ivory Emergence Genie Lamp Ornithopter Creativity Altaer Camp Blue Screen of Death's Lie-Fi Not-Spot Community Sand Mandala Disco Hall Of Fame Ethereal Windows Padmas Peepers Not Creepers Power & Influence Reflection Tree Rose Windows The Caterpillar Lounge There is no Default World Whirlwind Inferno Witch Lights Woven Forest Legacy Color Drops ---------- 5. Firefly is happy to announce Firefly Skill Grants. We will pay for you to take a fabrication class so that you finally have the skills to make that art project, or help out with someone else's large project. The form is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XbTnfC2EeSyMDDeqog_--6t1_SmsJ-g6YvqbVz-oEJs... A few anticipated FAQs: * The class can be anywhere, we encourage you to take them at local makerspaces and community arts schools. * Reasonably priced classes are more likely to be funded; average class cost should be $200 or less. * At least 6 grants will be awarded * You can apply for more than one * If in doubt, apply! ---------- 6. ARTifacts are switching up for this year’s ticket registration! It has been a pleasure to receive your imaginative and clever work in the past few years, however, Firefly is overwhelmed by the sheer number of items. With this in mind ARTifacts has changed – this year we want your INTENTION for Firefly. A few idea starters – What would you like to build, create or nurture in your life? How do you feel when you are your happiest self? What fears would you like to release? What are you grateful for? Along with your waiver, please send us an Intention (words, drawings, cut outs, a found scribble) on a burnable no larger than 12”x18” and less than an 1/16 thick. Every intention will be bound into a book which will be on view at Base Camp then burned in the bug. We ask that you use your common sense when it comes to materials and snark. If you want to remain anonymous please do not use your name. At the end of Firefly the only Trace left of these INTENTIONS will be what we manifest in our hearts and minds. We know some participants may have already planned an ARTifact for this year. You are welcome to send it in! We will show it in some form. For those who haven't started, you can send in an intention instead. Past ARTifacts will be available at the Open House on May 1st. Whatever is not claimed on this date will then be presented as “free” art for others to take and cherish at a future date. If you have any questions please email tickets@fireflyartscollective.org ---------- 7. Send in Ticket Art! For the past two years we were able to use ARTifacts submissions as an extra source of great ticket artwork. With the announced changes in the registration and ARTifacts format this year, we are going back to requiring that all ticket artwork submissions are sent in directly to FFTicketArt@fireflyartscollective.org. More information, such as the submission deadline, will be announced shortly. One particularly exciting aspect of making tickets out of ARTifacts was that we were able to use so many "physical", non-digitally created pieces. Ticketing Core volunteers have scanned some great drawings, paintings and all sorts of other hand-made objects that looked great printed - last year there was even one super sleek metal piece! We'd like to keep this trend going. So if you have a design that you'd rather submit in a physical form - please contact us at the address above. And we'll arrange obtaining it from you, and scanning and turning it into a printable ticket face. (For the record, this has been done early in the Firefly history, way before the ARTifacts - some rather gorgeous early tickets were created from watercolors mailed in on paper by the artists). Tickets are 4:3 in shape. All ticket designs should have the words "Firefly" and "June 29 - July 4, 2016". For digital submissions, 600+ dpi and CMYK color (if possible) are preferred. Any questions - please contact us at FFTicketArt@fireflyartscollective.org. ---------- Just the Tip by Wendy WTF If you can't bear to sit, when you pee or shit, At least lift the seat cover when you have got to hover.