Dear Fireflies, In October, we sent out an open call for interest in joining the Board of Directors of Firefly Arts Collective. We received a number of enthusiastic responses, and invited five participants to meet with the current board to better understand how we operate. This is a process that we intend to repeat in the future as we encounter a normal progression of participation in our organization. We would now like to solicit community feedback on the candidates under consideration for joining the Firefly Board. We also welcome feedback on current board members, to help keep us accountable to our community. For the participants listed below, please consider the following thoughts as you write us: 1) Do you feel that the candidate is well-suited for participating on the Board of Directors, based on your experience and our bylaws (http://fireflyartscollective.org/about-fac/firefly-bylaws/)? 2) What are some qualities in the candidate that would assure success as a member of the Firefly Board? 3) If you have worked with the candidate on a project before, what was that experience like? 4) Is there anything else you would like to share about the candidate? When considering your feedback, keep in mind that beyond the yearly camping festival, we are working to expand the year-round activities of Firefly Arts Collective. Firefly continues to collaborate with Somerville Open Studios and Figment Boston to bring more community art to our cities, and we are working to have a year-round gallery space available for displays and classes. We seek members who are excited not just in helping coordinate our festival, but who also have the time and energy to expand and strengthen our regional community. Candidates for December 2014: - Gary Carlow - Heather Panic - Kendra Pugh - Kevin Tracy - Drew Van Zandt Current Board Members, Role, (years on board): - Jered Floyd, President (1) - Sadiya Carr, Vice-President (1) - Ike Feitler, Clerk (4.5) - Chuck Ingersoll, Treasurer (1) - Dan Snyder, Quartermaster (1) - Jesse Campbell, Tech Lead (1) - Forest Handford, Organizational Development (3.5) - Blake Courtney (3.5) - Liz LaManche (1) - Doug Ruuska (3.5) Please send your feedback, particularly on candidates, to board@fireflyartscollective.org by Monday, December 15. We also welcome feedback on the Board at any time. <3, The Firefly BoD