Fireflies, We're well into 2015, and planning for this year's Firefly Arts Collective festival is well underway. We have exciting news to share! DATES FOR FIREFLY 2015: JUNE 30 - JULY 5 The news you've all been waiting for: Firefly 2015 will be held from Tuesday, June 30 through Sunday, July 5. Holding a 6-day event was a great success last year and we've continued it into this year. Mark your calendars! Tickets for Firefly 2015 will be available in early March, via a similar lottery process as last year. NEW BOARD MEMBERS Following up on our request for feedback in December, we've added three new members to the Firefly Board of Directors. Heather Panic, Kendra Pugh, and Drew Van Zandt have joined us for a lucky 13 set of board members. As always, we welcome feedback on the operation and future of Firefly Arts Collective at board@fireflyartscollective.org . DONATIONS TO FIREFLY ARTS COLLECTIVE Your ticket purchases for our annual festival fund the production of the event, our year-round planning, and most importantly funding for art at Firefly, Somerville Open Studios, FIGMENT Boston and beyond. Over the past nine years, Firefly has spent nearly $78,000 on direct and indirect support for the arts both at Firefly and in Boston, and nearly a quarter of Firefly's budget has gone to fund this art. We've introduced two new ways you can support Firefly Arts Collective financially beyond participating in our festival. First, we've added a "Donate" button to our website, which allows you to make a tax-deductible donation to Firefly via our payment processor WePay. Click here to see: http://fireflyartscollective.org/about-fac/donate/ Second, we've joined the AmazonSmile program. If you shop at Amazon.com, they will donate 0.5% of your purchases to Firefly if you shop via their site https://smile.amazon.com/ To direct your donation to us simply remember to go there rather than the base Amazon site, and select "Firefly Arts Collective Incorporated" as your preferred charity. That's all for now! The 2015 Art Grants process has just kicked off (See http://fireflyartscollective.org/art-grants/ for details!), the 2014 Participant Survey is wrapping up, and we'll have plenty more news in the coming months. See You in the Woods, The Firefly Board