Hello Firefly Community!
The Firefly Arts Collective Conduct Committee is holding an open house on Thursday, November 10th at 7:30pm, at Artisan’s Asylum, Multipurpose Room (MPR) 2.
Note: Parking is currently limited: https://artisansasylum.com/
hours-and-tours/#directions Here’s the agenda:
We’ve got updated statistics to share after the last Firefly
We want to discuss the community’s interest in keeping our committee going
We’d love to recruit new volunteers
We want to answer all of your questions!
In preparation, please check out our current policies. This guide will cover what we do and don’t do, how we operate, etc. here:
We would also like to provide an opportunity to have anonymous questions answered. If you have a question you’d like answered at the town hall, but don’t want to ask in a crowd, please use this form: https://goo.gl/forms/
i4YLoeWUlnSYnPMK2 up until Wednesday the 9th at 7:30pm. We will review these and answer the questions we are able to during a special section of the Q & A.We want to engage the community on our collective interest in keeping the Conduct Committee going. The year-round work involved takes up volunteer hours that may go elsewhere in the Firefly spectrum, so let’s discuss our value proposition and figure out if Firefly still wants to have a Conduct Committee.
Emile, Conduct Committee Co-Lead