*Hi! The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or essential info about Firefly. Read on for important event updates, we’ll keep it short and sweet. 1236 Fireflies have tickets.4 Fireflies are wait listed. 12 days until the bug burns.Contents: 1) All SALES & REFUNDS CLOSE THIS FRIDAY - Buy your Car/Bus Pass Now!2) Juicy * n e w * Volunteer shifts and Help Wanteds 3) Places to host and announce your events at Firefly 4) Altaer returns to Firefly - a Mind-Body-Spirit Arts space 5) Speakers & Sound: 2018’s must-know if you bring amplified sound 6) How to help Firefly keep coming back next year 7) 4x4 Vehicle Early & Exodus Hill Access Info----- 1) Friday is the deadline for ALL sales & refunds! All Firefly refunds and sales close in a few days - this means Bus and Parking passes, event tickets and refunds. Commodify promptly! Transact now! Do it before the portal closes, you have until … 11:59pm on Friday, Jun 29 So get those passes by midnight Friday - https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/> AND - Parking arrangements will be tighter than ever, so please consider doing your Firefl...atriotic duty to carpool. Check out the Ride Board and make a friend! Or take the bus and make friends there! Shared transit: It’s the Firefly way(™)https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/getting-there-transporta... <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/getting-there-transportation-and-parking/> 2) A Few MOARRR Volunteers Wanted Some *choiiiice* volunteering slots have just opened up due to waitlist movement - still looking for a shift or two? Were there no open volunteer shifts open when you signed up for your ticket? Now there are lots of options! Accessibility core, LNT, and Sanctuary could still use help. Altaer also needs setup and breakdown cohorts (see Altaer post further below). Critical shifts that need to be filled: - Sunday July 8th, 9am-12pm: Parking/ shuttle driver - Monday July 9th: LNT- See all the fun slots at: https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/>3) Places to host and announce your events at Firefly So you wanna see a dance party, a workshop or happy hour, immersive horror theater, or a mermaid flash mob at Firefly? Create the event you wish to see in the woods. Here are some places to hold an event, or stop by to see if one is happening... Open Stage — a performative stage for all, with space and equipment tended by nearby Art Support Kamp. First come/first serve slots available for anything you can dream up! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/open-stage/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/open-stage/> Theme Camps — several camps have fine woodsy venues or equipment to host dance or music, classes, parties, collaborations… and probably welcome clever folks to schedule happenings there. Some sassy camps have even posted sign-ups where total stranger DJs can request time slots! Look for them on FireflyBlink mailing list or the Facebjork group. Altaer — a beautiful studio ideal for teaching mind-body-spirit arts, martial arts or yoga, serene workshops, or other contemplative small group subjects. (See ‘Altaer’ post below for more detail.) Other creative places — you could go caroling at the portos, start a roving mimefield, or offer a pop-up nail salon. The Field is a blank canvas too. Nobody says your shenanigans have to be tethered to earthly spacetime coodinates (**Except for sound core! See sound regulations post below.) Publish your event(s) in the What Where When (WWW) events calendar for all to see. https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/whatwherewhen/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/whatwherewhen/> Fireflies can BYO print, download, or sync up to the WWW calendar before heading into the VT wilderness. Since folks usually do this a few days before the event, it’s best to get events in before the weekend so that listings are complete before people pack.4) Altaer returns to Firefly! A peaceful space for Mind-Body-Spirit ArtsA message from Altaer: Hello, Teachers of the Mind-Body-Spirit Arts! Altaer is coming back to Firefly 2018!Please refer to the schedule spreadsheet and claim your time slot: https://goo.gl/5EKDoS <https://goo.gl/5EKDoS> This is first come/ first serve. If there is any major conflicts, I’m sure we can work something out. Thank you very much for participating! Your contribution of bringing your art and skills to share with the community is the reason that Altaer exists! It’s an awesome place, filled with beautiful people, where magical things happen!And pretty please, with sugar on top, we need as much help as possible with the putting up and taking down of the structure. Last year it went up in 3hrs with 5 people and came down in an hour and a half. The more people we get, the quicker it will go! Or else I will be doing it all by myself while considering never bringing it again, Lol!See you in the woods!Altaer on FB: https://goo.gl/uRaRzp <https://goo.gl/uRaRzp> https://www.facebook.com/groups/263827967290888/ <https://www.facebook.com/groups/263827967290888/> 5) Speakers & Sound: What You Must Know for 2018 If you bring Speakers that are going to make Sound, it’s vital that YOU read the event’s sound policy, and Don’t Fuck Up. This is because *any* sound complaint Firefly receives from neighbors could shut down the party -for everyone- for the rest of the event. Our grizzled veteran Soundc0re has loving solutions - it just takes is your cooperation. New for 2018 — Every camp with a sound system weighing more than 18 lbs must join Soundcore to help in monitoring sound levels. This system really works if everyone participates! Each camp enlists one or more humans to help with this - they are simply tasked with monitoring an assigned camp a short distance away, every few hours. Big stuff: * 2018 quiet days and quiet hours * Soundcore participants req’d meeting — 4pm Wed at Diode * Amplified sound rules & deets for newbs and old-timers alike * Find out which camp monitors which other camps Check your gear & read the rest: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/speakers-amplified-sound-policies... <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/speakers-amplified-sound-policies-2018/> 6) How to help Firefly keep coming back next year At a time when other regional burns struggle to find a venue, Firefly has been on the same site since 2009. Why? One reason is that we as community respect the landowners' property, and take our trash out with us. * Anything that was not on the property before we arrive must be taken away. * This includes(!) food waste, cooking oil, bacon grease, and other biodegradable items. Don’t pour these liquids onto the ground to rot - the resident dog will roll in it and need a bath. * Cigarette butts must never hit the ground. * Remember to look in the trees for random bungee cords, clothesline, or rope. * Sequins, glitter, feathers, swag buttons, and glowies are often found months later. Prep your gear responsibly, and pick up MOOP as you walk the woods. Another way to foster this relationship: Shop Locally. This makes a positive impact on the town. Buy supplies in the VT town where Firefly happens! And when you buy local, mention to people that you are from the Firefly Festival. Ticket-holders will soon receive info about businesses in town that sell useful or tasty stuff. If you think you may need something, buying it in our town benefits the town and Firefly. Goodwill can be hard to come by once it is lost. Firefly has very good relations with the landowners and we wish to keep it that way. <3 7) 4x4 Vehicles: Hill Access Info for Early Arrival & ExodusGTFO* team helps make it possible for some large camp/art projects (with 4WD vehicles) to transport their infrastructure to and from the woods during Early Arrival & Exodus. The basic idea: - Prior approval is required for Early Arrival, and for your vehicle. - Access ONLY during scheduled hours before Firefly begins (EA), or after Firefly ends (Exodus); road conditions permitting (subject to mud, weather, or safety conditions) - Vehicle traffic is managed car-by-car by GTFO, our vital traffic control team- Vehicle must be 4-Wheel Drive (4WD) or All-Wheel Drive (AWD), and have proper clearance height.Full scoop here - https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/gtfo-access-2018/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/gtfo-access-2018/> *GTFO: Get The Freaks Off/On ...the hill :)-----Got a critical announcement for the community? Communications team can help you add it here, or in other Official Voice Of Firefly channels. Details: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> Stay tuned year round: Announce list <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/announce> — (This email list) Must-read info for event ticketholders or those hoping to be. Tix registration auto-subscribes you here (hi!), though you can drop out any time (bye) Blink list <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/fireflyblink> — Community discussion email list. FB announcements page <https://www.facebook.com/firefly.arts.collective/> — ‘Like’ & Follow this page to get notifications from FAC via Facebook. FB discussion group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/firefly.arts.collective/> — Join this group to participate in FB community discussions. All ^these^ links and moar: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> See you in the woods! ##*