Dear Fireflies, Earlier this year the board invited community members to voluntarily serve on the Conduct Committee as it relates to the Code of Conduct <http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/policies/> and associated policies. Several Fireflies have stepped forward, participated in a series of trainings developed in conjunction with the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, and have begun to frame out a highly organized approach to committee operations. Before we launch the Conduct Committee, we would like your feedback on the following list of committee members. Please consider each committee member's ability to serve on the Conduct Committee. This difficult work calls for Fireflies who are known for their confidentiality, respectfulness, patience, objectivity and dependability. Conduct Committee Members: Alana Lynch Chelsea Pritzker Chuck Ingersoll Dan Snyder Darren Torpey Ike Feitler Sadiya Carr Sage Kochavi Thomas Calahan Please share your feedback privately with Sadiya via email sadiya.carr@gmail.com and/or Dan via email hungrywumpus@gmail.com, by January 5th, 2015. Should the feedback prove concerning it will be shared with the current board members, otherwise reflecting the wishes of the Conduct Committee Members, feedback will remain confidential. The newly formed Conduct Committee, made up of these community approved members, expects to be up and running in January 2015, pending community approval, and plans to review the process and procedures at a community meeting to be held in February. Thank you, Firefly Arts Collective Board of Directors