Hello for the first time in a month! And probably for the last time in a few weeks, if not months—there won't be much official to say for a while. But remember that the Blink list and Facebook groups exist for all your Firefly social chatter needs! FireflyBlink: https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/fireflyblink Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/31209741538/. CONTENTS: 1. Lost and Found 2. Afterburn Survey 3. Please share your Firefly pictures! 4. Post-Playa Depression 5. So.... do you wanna volunteer next year? ---------- 1. Lost and Found The Lost and Found has been sorted, and images are visible on this Google Drive location: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5fbqDYOm8qeOGxKZFE0M0Q0dUU&usp=shar... Please look carefully! If you'd like a closer-up image of something, email LNT@fireflyartscollective.org. Please help things find their owners! *Lost & Found purge will happen on 8/1/16 - arrangements must be made to pick up your items on or before then. *[The Glowbe apologizes for the delay in publishing the newsletter until the last minute. LNT is willing to hold onto items for another few days but PLEASE email them ASAP if you need to claim something.] ---------- 2. Afterburn Survey I hope you're all recovering nicely from the woods, and that you're all still glowing from the memories and good times. We'd like to give you an opportunity to spend 30 minutes reliving those memories during your work day! Please take the completely anonymous Firefly 2016 Afterburn Survey <https://ucberkeleypolisci.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5axdq5ku9SU0t8h>, and let us know how you feel about everything that happened at Firefly. Loved an art piece? Great, we'd love to know so we can fund more art like that! Hated the rangers? Air your grievances to us, and we'll pass it on, anonymously! Less than 1/3 the length of last year's survey! ---------- 3. Please share your Firefly pictures! Would you like to share your photo memories from this year's event with the community, but don't want to be beholden to Facebook? Please consider sharing them on Firefly's web gallery! First, please review the Firefly Event Recording Guidelines: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/firefly-policies/firefly-event... Don't post pictures of participants wearing "No Photography" wristbands, be thoughtful about posting pictures that participants may not want shared (e.g. nudity), and attempt to get permission from identifiable participants in advance. Then, it's (relatively) easy: 1) Go to the community photo gallery at https://gallery.fireflyartscollective.org/index.php?/category/35 2) Register for an account or log in. To register, go to the "Login" menu in the upper right, and click "Register" then create an account. 3) Wait for an admin to approve your account. 4) Once approved, select "Explore"->"Upload photos" from the top menu bar. 5) Under "Select an album" click "create a new album", choose a parent album of the right year (the default is "Firefly / 2016"), and choose an informative name like "Jered's Pics". 6) Select and upload files. Photos will be curated for highlight albums in the future. Photos may not be reproduced beyond Firefly Arts Collective's use without the express permission of the photographer. ---------- 4. Post-Playa Depression by Gougey Whether it is the big burn or a regional burn, PPD exists. What is Post-Playa Depression? Post-Playa Depression is an emotional state that many burners experience after a burn. It doesn’t matter if you were a virgin burner or a ten year veteran, anyone can experience PPD. It is the emotional dissonance created when we, Burners, return to the default world with all its societal norms after experiencing something we helped create. If you are feeling a bit disconnected with the default world, try the following: 1. Talk to someone. - Email a friend, connect on Facebook or email sanctuary@fireflyartscollective.org 2. Decompression Party 3. Get Involved with your local burner community 4. Bring what you experienced on playa into the default world 5. Experience the burn from another’s perspective via photos and video 6. Practice gifting Read my full article at https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/transitioning-back-to-the-default... ---------- 5. So.... do you wanna volunteer next year? Still got that warm glow from your Firefly experience this summer?? Were you heavily involved in volunteering but think there’s ways that some things could be improved?? Did you do a few volunteer shifts and loved being part of making Firefly happen?? Step up and be a part of the larger Firefly volunteer team! We are: Core leads (gate, greeters, parking, gnomes, rangers, sanctuary, etc.) -- coordinate specific volunteer areas at the Firefly event -- descriptions and contact email addresses at https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/ Festival Committee (event leads, cluster leads, volunteer coordinator) -- the people "above" the core leads who organize the event as a whole -- contact at festival@fireflyartscollective.org Board of Directors -- the Board handles the legal and financial sides of Firefly Arts Collective, Inc as well as all the other ways that Firefly interacts with and supports the arts community year-round -- board@fireflyartscollective.org Conduct Committee -- receive and investigate reports of interpersonal misconduct in the Firefly community -- https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly -arts-collective/committees/conduct-committee/ -- conductcommittee@fireflyartscollective.org Communications Committee -- a new group forming to consolidate and improve our outbound communications to the community -- https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly -arts-collective/committees/communications-committee/ -- webteam@fireflyartscollective.org It's a slow time for event organization right now as we’re wrapping up 2016, and many of us are prepping for Burning Man, but it's a great time to start thinking about where you'd want to put your energy in 2017. Reach out and make your intentions known! We’d love to have you on the team. ---------- Wendy WTF is on vacation. ----------