Greetings Fireflies! The time is nigh campers! According to last week’s LNT Pop Quiz, all you Fireflies are burn ready (and some of you are little jokers)! We are just ONE WEEK away from the thing in the woods. What do you think the bug is going to be this year?! We have it on pretty good authority that it's going to be a sandworm (Dune is so hot). [ https://forms.gle/RRnanX4b8AyN8d149 | Let us know what you think we’ll be burning this year! ] This is a really juicy email with loads of information. You really should check it all out! In this edition: * [ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BrPUEeM7422kAgEEXprrL58laG1WwiSho7Qm... | Firefly Orientation Deck ] * Don’t Forget Your [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/map/ | Map ] ! * Firefly 2024 Sound Schedule * Introducing this year’s Lost & Found, MOMM! * Compost Onsite – New for 2024 * What can and cannot be composted * Volunteers Continue to be Needed * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/ | Sign-ups close TODAY! ] * What/Where/When… Why? Because We Love You * [ https://events.fireflyartscollective.org/ | The What/Where/When Guide ] * Deadline to [ https://forms.gle/dwxByFFHqH19xv396 | Submit ] for Print is Friday 6/28 at NOON * Doormouse, too * Should Fireflies Call 911 in an Emergency? Short answer, no. * Firefly Rangers are Here to Help * Transport Notes * Firefly Bus: Less than 8 seats remain! * Offer to carpool on RickyRides! * Space in the Gear Truck Available! * Host Your Performance at Firefly Open Stage! * Asks and Offers * Keep in Touch Firefly Orientation Deck How cool is it that our event keeps evolving? There has been a ton of new information this year, to help you review we made this [ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BrPUEeM7422kAgEEXprrL58laG1WwiSho7Qm... | Firefly Orientation ] slide deck! It’s an overview of many cores and concepts that help Firefly be fun, safe and sustainable. Don’t Forget Your Map! We are proud to present your 2024 Firefly Event Map! This year's map was drawn by Arcturus Wang in collaboration with Placement Core and includes the new Ring Road, the new Virtue Alley path, and expands the view so it can include camps placed in the upper field. Please do not try to find the Swamp Dragon, he is very wily and will lure you into the poison ivy. See the map [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/map/ | here ] ! Firefly 2024 Sound Schedule Sound Core is responsible for setting and enforcing limits so we can maintain our relationship with the surrounding community. Here’s what you can expect for the 2024 Sound Schedule: Monday July 1st (Early Arrival) No PA systems. Low level Bluetooth/Handheld speakers until sundown. Tuesday July 2nd No PA systems. Low level BT/HH speakers all day/night except in quiet camping and anywhere in the field area. Wednesday July 3rd Starting at 10am PA’s at reduced volume. All PA’s off for the night at 11pm. SOUND CORE HUDDLE IS WEDNESDAY AT NOON - SOUND CAMPS MUST ATTEND! Thursday July 4th Starting at 10am PA’s at reduced volume. This is a “work night” for the surrounding community so limits will be slightly lower and enforcement begins at 10pm. Friday/Saturday July 5-6th Starting at 10am PA’s at reasonable volume. Sound limits are enforced after 10pm, please dip your subwoofer levels. Subs can remain on until 6am. 6AM - 10AM is quiet time , BT/HH speakers only. Sunday July 7th (Exodus) PA systems must stop at Noon. Low level BT/HH speakers only while you load-out. —- Respect the Quiet Camping Zone! We ask that no amplified sound or generator use take place after 11pm in these areas. There are volunteers who work shifts at all hours for Rangers, First Aid, etc. who rely on having a quiet place to catch a few hours of sleep, so please be respectful. Please read the full [ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7eEgmd2CEkRvXs2sKS7OdUFWk29v-gYGiFbntEu... | Sound Core Memo ] for lots more information. If you still have questions, you can find us at [ mailto:sound@fireflyartscollective.org | sound@fireflyartscollective.org ] , on Discord, or on Facebook. Introducing this year’s Lost & Found, MOMM! The Museum of Modern MOOP (MOMM [I lost my shit again!]) will be Firefly’s official Lost & Found, located on the main path just above upper parking. She will transform lost items into found art and back again, with the ultimate goal of reuniting lost items with their owners. If you find a lost item at Firefly, bring it to MOMM, display it, give it a title and/or description — Now it’s art! If you lose an item that ends up at MOMM, admire its profound transformation and new identity for a moment before making it yours again. Also, label your items before arriving at Firefly to help MOMM get any lost items back to you. Finally, there will be a lockbox for valuable items. If you lose a valuable item, come to MOMM between 1:45 and 2 pm, when someone will be there to open the lockbox. There will also be instructions at MOMM for urgent lockbox opening needs. Questions? Email [ mailto:LNT@fireflyartscollective.org | LNT@fireflyartscollective.org ] Compost Onsite – New for 2024 Onsite composting is now at Firefly! By composting onsite, the nutrients from your food scraps (if they're on the "Yes" list) will go to the Nuthatch garden instead of in a landfill. Also, you will have less waste - and much less smelly waste - to drive home! The compost pile is next to the Nuthatch barn, below upper parking. It will be marked with yellow signs. If you want to compost, bring a vessel to carry your food scraps across the hill. Buckets with lids are best. There will also be some compost buckets available at the lost and found - camps/folks can reserve them by emailing lnt@fireflyartscollective.org . YES Compost * Fruit and vegetable scraps * Coffee grounds and paper filters * Paper tea bags without staples * Crushed eggshells * Clean, uncoated, finely shredded paper and cardboard NO Compost * Meat, fish, or bones * Cheese and dairy products * Fats, oils, or grease * Cooked food * Produce stickers * Used toilet paper or tissues Questions? Email [ mailto:lnt@fireflyartscollective.org | lnt@fireflyartscollective.org ] Volunteers Continue to be Needed Don’t Miss Out - Sign Up TODAY to Volunteer! Today is the LAST DAY to [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/ | sign up ] for volunteering shifts online! We encourage ALL Firefly participants to volunteer - twice, in fact! Two shifts per person is the sweet spot where everything gets done and nobody gets burned out. Don’t miss out on: * The best way to make new friends and earn the respect of Firefly veterans. * The most authentic burn experience, where you don’t just soak it in, you make it happen . * The first step towards becoming a shift lead, core lead, or (gasp) cluster lead ✨ * The opportunity to have a cool answer when people ask you “what core do you volunteer with?” We especially need: * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/410 | First Aid ] volunteers (including unlicensed people!) Note that First Aid shifts are long but they’re on-call shifts. You take a radio and report to incidents as needed. * Experienced [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/384 | Rangers ] * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/383 | Leave No Trace ] volunteers who can stay for Monday July 8th * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/397 | Graveyard ] on burn nights * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/391 | Accessibility ] drivers Friday-Sunday * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/382 | DPW ] volunteers for Early Arrival and Exodus * [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/396 | GTFO ] Loading Zone volunteers for Early Arrival and Exodus (no experience needed!) But if you can’t do those, there are others! [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/ | Sign up NOW ] , before you forget! Write down your volunteering info! Last year's survey showed some people missed their shifts because they forgot when or where they were. Time gets very wibbly wobbly at burns, so: * write down when and where your shifts are. * pack that info! I like to "laminate" it with clear packing tape. * bring a watch or other time-telling device! If in spite of your best efforts, you need to sign up for more shifts or find out when yours are during the event, go to Gnomes! …but really, sign up [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/ | NOW ] . For questions about volunteering, email [ mailto:volunteer@fireflyartscollective.org | volunteer@fireflyartscollective.org ] What/Where/When… Why? Because We Love You We are getting so pumped watching all the events roll into the [ https://events.fireflyartscollective.org/ | What/Where/When ] . If you’d like to see your event listed in a print friendly version, please [ https://forms.gle/dwxByFFHqH19xv396 | submit ] it by Friday 6/28 by noon! You can keep listing to your heart’s content, but your event will not appear in the printer friendly version. Questions? Email [ mailto:communications@fireflyartscollective.org | communications@fireflyartscollective.org ] Additionally, Doormouse, an event management tool created by members of our community, will offer an alternative (unofficial) event guide. So keep an eye out for that announcement shortly after the listing deadline. For Doormouse support, you can contact [ mailto:Kas@DoorMouse.com | Kas@DoorMouse.com ] . Should Fireflies Call 911 in an Emergency? The answer is generally no. Firefly has hired medics on-site for the duration of the event. They are the fastest way to get life-saving care in an emergency. They can call 911 while providing emergency care, and can transport you to the correct entrance. This is the safest option. If you were to call 911, the ambulance would not know where to find you. They do not know the path names, camp names, or other landmarks. You would be tasked with getting yourself or your friend to the correct entrance without assistance. You could get lost or injure yourself in the process. You would wait for the ambulance without receiving emergency treatment. All of this would be very risky. You can connect with the medics in 3 ways: 1: Find a volunteer with radio 2: Go to the Ranger Station at Mercurial and Verdant 3: Use the Emergency Call Box located in Upper Parking Questions? Email [ mailto:firstaid@fireflyartscollective.org | firstaid@fireflyartscollective.org ] Firefly Rangers are Here to Help Rangers are friendly volunteers who serve the Firefly community by connecting participants with resources, listening, mediating, and helping people solve problems. Rangers are easy to spot in light green Firefly shirts and carrying radios. You will see them walking around the event or you can find them at Ranger Station (HQ) at the intersection of Mercurial and Verdant. If you are lost, injured, or concerned about a safety issue (uncontrolled fire, medical concern, etc.), please speak to a Ranger. In an emergency You can reach Rangers on Channel 1 from any event radio; there is one at the new Satellite Outpost by Upper Parking . Rangers are able to summon event resources and/or outside agencies to help you. First Aid Resources There are several levels of first aid resources available at Firefly. Self-service first aid supplies are located near Ranger HQ and the upper parking Emergency Call Box. Rangers can quickly contact First Aid volunteers or Medical (located behind Ranger HQ). Exodus HQ breakdown Volunteer shifts now open to non-Rangers Volunteers are still needed to break down HQ during Exodus. This volunteer shift does not require Ranger training. Sign up [ https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/384 | here ] . Thinking about Rangering? Anyone interested in Rangering in the future should come to onsite Ranger training, Wednesday 2PM at the Stage next to Ranger HQ. Learn more about Rangers on the [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/join-a-core/rangers/ | website ] . Questions? Email [ mailto:rangers@fireflyartscollective.org | rangers@fireflyartscollective.org ] Transport Notes Firefly Bus: Less than 8 seats remain! Need a ride to or from Firefly, but struggling to find a carpool partner? Consider [ https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/ticketsale.php?view=Bus | buying a bus ticket ] ! The bus is almost full, and tickets will close this Sunday 6/30. If you need a bus ticket, buy yours now! The Firefly Bus leaves from the Boston area at noon on Wednesday 7/3 (with a stop for groceries along the way), and departs Firefly at 3pm. Both one-way and round-trip tickets are available. For more info, check out the [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/getting-there-transporta... | Getting There page ] of the Firefly website. Offer to carpool on RickyRides! Does the bus not work out logistically for you, but you need a ride? Are you driving up with extra space in your car? [ https://www.rickyrides.com/firefly-arts-collective | Firefly also has a board for carpool requests and offers on RickyRides ] . If you’re a driver with extra space, please consider helping your fellow Fireflies and offering a ride! Space in the Gear Truck Available! If you need more space for your stuff on the way up to or back from Firefly, [ https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/ticketsale.php?view=Bus | buy a share on the gear truck ] . One 15cf share will cost $25. The gear truck will be loaded in Medford on Sunday 6/30 between 1pm and 7pm, and will arrive to Firefly during Early Arrival. It will be unloaded at the same location in Medford post-event. Questions? Email [ mailto:transport@fireflyartscollective.org | transport@fireflyartscollective.org ] Host Your Performance at Firefly Open Stage! Open Stage still has spots available to host your performance or event at Firefly! Sign up to request the stage or check out our list of performers [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/art-at-firefly/open-stage/ | here ] . Our current events range from dancing, to film, to beard tasting! Get creative with us and share your art, or just come taste beards or volunteer yours to be tasted. Asks & Offers * Its election season. Sign up to be on the ballot [ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfN0I9odcL-KmnCXjNIYqy0WbplaG0g7Fmg... | here ] . * Seeking strange drinkables in small quantities. If you have a small quantity of unwanted, unique drinkable liquid or dissolvable flavoring in the Somerville area (for example, Creme de Violette), I may want it for a project! Can come pick things up. Amelie, [ mailto:ameliek3@gmail.com | ameliek3@gmail.com ] * Contribute to the Firefly Biodiversity project! Nature nerds: Firefly has a project on [ https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/firefly-biodiversity?tab=observations | iNaturalist! ] . If you take photos of cool bugs, plants, mushrooms, etc, at work weekends or the festival, feel free to add them to iNaturalist where they should automagically be added to the Firefly Biodiversity project. * Support local businesses near Firefly! Support local businesses when arriving at Firefly. Here's a map showing businesses within 3 miles of the event. [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1Gt03QWHLhJBwJWFyvG0ZpBJkI3Q&ll... | Here's a map! ] Keep in Touch In addition to the GLOWBE, you can find announcements and keep up with fellow Fireflies on [ https://www.facebook.com/groups/firefly.arts.collective | Facebook ] and [ https://discord.gg/KtUy8xHqTK | Discord ] . Subscribe to the [ https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/mailman3/lists/fireflyblink.lists.fi... | Firefly Blinklist Email List ] , A free-for-all email list for community discussion. Use the [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ | email directory ] to get in touch with any of the volunteer cores directly.