Dear Fireflies, At long last, it's time to have a general Firefly Town Hall meeting! Save the following date: Thursday, May 10th, starting at 7PM. The meeting will be held at 369 Congress St in Boston, on the 7th floor. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find street parking in this area, so public transportation (the Red Line to South Station) is a good option to consider, in addition to the options of walking, biking, carpooling, mutant vehicles, levitation, and teleportation. We will also attempt to webcast the meeting live. What can you expect at the Town Hall meeting? *A short presentation about the goals of the Firefly Arts Collective for the July Firefly event this year and beyond *A short presentation about the goals of the Firefly Arts Collective for supporting participatory art and other events year-round. *An overview of some planned changes from last years' event to this years' event. *Firefly Arts Collective Board Members attempting to answer any questions you may have. *Brief overview of the various Cores, or sub-groups, that work and play to make Firefly happen. Opportunities to participate (or volunteer, if you like). *An effort to have a period of time for moderated general discussion. *Miscellaneous schmoozing with other Fireflies. See you in Boston before we see you in the Woods! Fondest Regards, ~Firefly~ P.S. On the off chance that a number of you really want to have a meeting sooner than May 10th, there is the option to hold another unofficial/rehearsal meeting on Thursday, April 26th at a different location. If you'd like to see this happen and attend, please email more-meetings@fireflyartscollective.org or register your interest with this Doodle poll: http://www.doodle.com/dnm2t4t9ffy5fx2c