Interested in helping bring art to Firefly? Want to help choose what kind of projects are funded for the event? This is call out to any of you who might be interested in helping to review the proposals for Firefly's Art Grants <http://fireflyartscollective.org/art-grants/> this year! We are looking for approx 15 folks who are interested in helping to make this aspect of Firefly successful. Requirements: 1. You must have attended at least 1 (one) previous Firefly in order to join and participate in the selection committee. 2. You must not be applying for a 2018 Firefly Art Grant. 3. There are three blocks available; you can sign up for any number of blocks, but for each block you must attend both dates. Meetings will take place in Somerville (a short walk from Davis Square). These discussions can be lively at times; food and drinks are potluck-style/bring your own. - Tea (Anniversary) and Temple Grant Meetings: - Thursday, February 22nd at 7:30 PM - Thursday, March 1st at 7:30 PM - Creativity and Legacy Grant Meetings: - Thursday, March 8th at 7:30 PM - Thursday, March 15th at 7:30 PM - Skillshare / BEX / Smol (*We only need a couple people max for this group; it may be rolled into previous groups, time-depending*): - Thursday, March 22nd at 7:30 PM - Thursday, March 29th at 7:30 PM 4. Commit to reading and recording your thoughts on up to 40 applications, which may take 4-6 hours of brain time. The Intense Details: The job requires a lot of reading and talking as we typically receive over 35 applications for Creativity Grants and a smaller pool of Tea (Anniversary) and Temple Grants. We will have 2 weeks to make our decisions for the two sets of grants, with two meetings per grant. That's a total of 4 meetings altogether. We strongly encourage volunteers to come to both blocks of meetings, but if you can only come to one set that's OK too. This is a commitment of about 15-20 hours; 6-8 hours of reading and cogitating and four (maybe six) 2-hour meetings where we hash it all out. Once the application deadline has passed, the committee has about a week to read the applications over and fill out a review sheet to decide how well each application met the criteria. We review the applications for Thoughtfulness, Creativity, and Feasibility (explained in detail here <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/art-grants/> and during the meetings). This is followed by the aforementioned meetings where we compare notes and formulate follow-up questions for all applicants. We wait a week to give time for artists to get their replies back to us, then we meet again and make our final decisions. If you would like to participate, please sign up via the Art Grants portal by Feb 15th: *https://grants.fireflyartscollective.org/voters/new <https://grants.fireflyartscollective.org/voters/new>* Any questions? Email us at grants@fireflyartscollective.org! <3, Art Grant Core