Howdy Fireflies, This is just a friendly reminder that applications for the Ivory and Temple art grants were due yesterday. But - seeing as it was a holiday - we decided to extend the deadline a day. Ivory and Temple grant applications are now due* TONIGHT*. We'd really like them in by 11:59pm, but we will accept them until the following morning at 8am for the late-night crew. Submissions this year are being handled through the Firefly Art Grants Web Portal <http://grants.fireflyartscollective.org/>. If you signed up in 2015, your accounts are no longer active. Please sign up again so we are sure to have your most current information on-file! For more information, please visit the following web page: Firefly Art Grants Overview <http://fireflyartscollective.org/art-grants/>, or contact us at grants@fireflyartscollective.org. Don't be shy about submitting to Ivory if you aren't sure whether your project is better suited for Ivory or Creativity. Ivory submissions that don't get funded can be automatically resubmitted as Creativity projects (with $700 max funding instead of $1000). Additionally, if you think your submission is going to be -right at the deadline- or otherwise barely make it in, please let us know! We definitely do want your submissions. Thank you! - Firefly Art Grant Core