Attention Fireflies:!!!

The Art Grant Core has determined when to draw a deadline for Creativity Grant submissions, so that we may review proposals and determine initial funding levels.

Please submit your creativity grants via the funding portal by the end of Sunday, April 17th. This is important, so please let us know at if you get truly bamboozled. But before messaging us, make sure you've gone over What We're Looking For  in a Creativity Grant Proposal and reflected the questions therein in your personal grant proposal. We love to see that people are already thinking about the common themes for questioning about projects. We also love all ideas that may come our way <3 Bring it firefly!!

Literally if you have any idea for art you wanna do, like, consider making an emotionally impactful documentary of it...

In the coming day or two we will also release a separate email call for participants on Creativity etc. type FF Art Grant Submisions.  stay well tuned yeooooooooooeeeiiiii :)