Have a good ear? Have a knack for non-judgmental listening? Want to volunteer but you don’t want to jump into the deep end of the pool? For the first time ever, Sanctuary is coming to Firefly! What is Sanctuary, you ask? And why should you care? Because you care, that's why. And Sanctuary needs you! Sanctuary is a safe space where the citizens of Firefly can seek an outlet or assistance with emotional trauma. This could include issues at Firefly, home, work, assaults, personal relationships, and the like. It's different than sharing with your campmates, because let's face it, there are some things you can't even share with them. It's there to provide non-judgmental support and available assistance, including Medical support and Rangers, if necessary. This is the first year for Sanctuary at Firefly but it is an important and well-established entity at other Burning Man-related events, so it will be continued in the years ahead. Medical or counseling experience is nice but certainly not mandatory. Come be a part of history and volunteer to help your fellow Fireflies! http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/join-a-core/sanctuary/ For questions about Sanctuary please contact TJ at jumpdoc at yahoo dot com.