Greetings Fireflies: It's that time of year again. Time to have our Town Hall Meeting. The meeting will be Sunday, April 28th from 2pm-7pm at 369 Congress St, 7th Floor. Stop by anytime for an hour or two! Since the meeting is on a Sunday, metered parking in the area is free and we are a short walk from South Station on the Red Line. Some of you may be saying "wow, that's a really long Town Hall Meeting!" Yes, it is. However, we are doing things a bit different this year. We want this year's meeting to be more of a Meet & Greet than a structured, everyone-be-quiet presentation format. This is a great opportunity for Fireflies both old and new. Come out and meet people, catch up with old friends, find out more about Firefly, reminisce about past Firefly events, learn how you can help make Firefly happen, and find out what's new for Firefly this year. See you in Boston before we see you in the Woods! ~Firefly~ *** Please note that the passenger elevator at 369 Congress St. is broken. If you have a physical limitation that makes it difficult for you to use the stairs, please call Jen Hill at 978.809.1168 and she will coordinate getting you to the 7th floor via the freight elevator.