Hello, fine denizens of Firefly! The Gate is still seeking volunteers! This year, Firefly raised its population, yet volunteerism has not gone up proportionately (or, at all). Firefly infrastructure relies entirely on the support of its population. No one in this organization is paid, and each of us reaps the benefit of the work of the collective. If you think Firefly should raise its population cap in the future to allow more tickets, help us run Firefly smoothly this year by taking a shift. Some people have signed on for multiple shifts. If you haven't signed up for any yet, pick one. Gate, Greeters, Rangers, Kitchen, do it! Show support and help the event. The Gate is in need of volunteers for Saturday and Sunday late-nights. The wee-hour shifts are shorter (2 hours to the usual 3) and with 3 volunteers per shift, you always have company. The late night shifts are responsible for ushering in late-arrivals and checking IDs against the ticket list, ushering out early-leavers, keeping any traffic from blocking the road, and being the first smiling face for any curious neighbors or visitors. You will have a radio on which to hail the Rangers or Board at any time; you're never alone out there. The schedule is here: http://www.fireflyartscollective.org/tiki-index.php?page=Gate Click on the 'volunteer' link which will automatically send you to an email, or email gate@fireflyartscollective.org with your preferred shift, name, and email address of every person you are signing up! Do it! We have a bit over 2 weeks til Firefly; the time is NOW, my friends. I realize that a lot of other camp schedules are in flux, but the camps rely on the Firefly infrastructure as well. Do it. Don't wait for someone else; realize that every person out there does the very best that they can (and that is why our community is so awesome). Do it. Don't think that 'someone else' can do it because, odds are, you ARE that 'someone else.' Put yer money/effort where yer mouth is. Be part of the collective. Show support. xo .c. -- clara lafrance aerialist ~ performer ~ instructor www.claralafrance.com