Welcome Back Fireflies!

The official start of the Firefly 2024 season has arrived!  You can now register for a ticket at https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org!

Registration for the Ticket Lottery will be open until May 8th, and Lottery results sent out on the 10th.  If you register after the 10th you’ll be added to the waitlist in the order you signed up.

More information and instructions are on the web at https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/tickets/ and you can direct any questions to the Ticket Core volunteers at tickets@fireflyartscollective.org.

Once you register, you’ll be able to see all the different types of volunteer shifts you can sign up for once you have your ticket.. Are you interested in volunteering but aren’t sure where to start? Check out the wonderful Volunteer Role Finder to find out more!

We’re all excited to get back home to Vermont – look for announcements of Work Weekend signups coming soon!  See you all in the woods in June, if not sooner!

Firefly Ticket Core