The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or useful info leading up to Firefly. This digest helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so read on for several important event updates. 1097 Fireflies have tickets. The waitlist is down to zero. 10 days until the bug burns! Contents: 1) U Need a Bus Tix or Car Pass by this CATURDAY 2) When you ride alone, you ride with…. 3) No Camp Sound Allowed in 2017 **only half joking** 4) WhoWhatWhere: List ur events b4 Saturday print maaadness 5) Body, Mind, Spirit opportunities with Altaer 6) Hydraulic Highway closed; Hawk updates 7) Fire Conclave safety meetings 8) See this Glowbe news and more via FB ----- 1) Hippies! Buy your Bus or Parking Pass by this CATURDAY! Boston → Firefly bus sales and parking pre-sales end in just a few days! YOU NEED ONE OF THESE TO FIREFLY! Get one right meow. Bus tix can only be purchased online, and sales end along with event ticket sales -- last chance to buy is on Saturday, July 1st. Bus perks include free water(!), luggage transport up the hill(!!), and options for trash, recycling, and extra cargo(!!!). Learn things here! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/getting-ready/getting-there-tr... Buy things here!!!!! https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/ticketsale.php [image: meow.jpg] 2) Firefly Ride Board, so hot right now Much rides still needed, Very drivers offering, Amaze. Be sure to update your Ride Board listings or check whether you can offer a ride. Carpooling and helping your fellow Fireflies is part of the magic that makes the event work - as parking is limited on the land. https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/getting-ready/getting-there-tr... 3) New 2017 need-to-know about Speakers & Sound If your event, music, or camp makes Sound(™), read this year’s new sound policies and Don’t Fuck Up. Read this sordid tale of how any sound complaint we receive… could shut down the party for everyone for the rest of the event. #Sad! New quiet days and quiet hours are included. https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/speakers-amplified-sound-policies... 4) WhatWhereWhen guide - add your events before print weekend The 'What Where When' events guide is an online schedule of events at Firefly 2017. Event listings are submitted and updated directly by participants, it's easy. WWW lives online only, so you'll want to print your own copies before EVERYONE prints theirs this weekend. https://fireflyartscollective.org/whatwherewhen/ 5) Body, Mind, Spirit opportunities with Altaer
From Brad of the beautiful Altaer space: Dear Artists, Teachers, and Healers interested in hosting events in Altaer this Firefly 2017: Claim your spot NOW! Altaer was a great success as an Art Grant Recipient event space last year; amidst the tranquility of the water shrine… and we are doing it again! We had Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation, Cuddles, and even a little kink ;P Altaer is a combination of words: ‘altar’ (a place of focus) and ‘alter’ (to change one’s self). Events should have a Mind-Body-Spirit focus. If you are interested in hosting an event of your own, please let Brad know by filling in a slot on the schedule sheet: http://goo.gl/q5HMAV P.S. Very important! We are also in need of extra hands for set-up and take-down. It’s not too difficult especially with a lot of helpers!
6) Hydraulic Highway closed; Hawks think of nothing but murder all day Most of Hydraulic Highway will be closed to all traffic for the event. (The bathing pool is still accessible from the top of Hydraulic at Porklandia/PBJ.) The road closure is protecting an active hawks’ nest with nestlings. Any human appearing in the hawk’s range is dangerous --not only because the hawk may attack you-- but also it could endanger the young hawks if they are disturbed, leave the nest too early, or are not cared for by the distracted mother. Better for humans and hawks to stay away from each other. The land itself is also unsafe because due to the nest, foresters were unable to clear hazardous trees. Observe the posted cordon and help others stay out. 7) Fire Conclave safety meetings Dates and times have been set for Fire Spinning Safety Meetings, which are required to spin in conclave. Don’t conclave without doing the thing: * Thursday, 12-1pm @ Love & Lions Den * Friday, 1-2pm @ Diode 8) Get your Glowbe news and more via FB Firefly news and talk is also happening on Facebook. ‘Like’ or Follow the FAC page to see these announcements there: https://www.facebook.com/firefly.arts.collective/ (*Note that our 'Page' is different from the FAC discussion 'Group' of the same name, because facebook.) And you can always engage on Fireflyblink list, our community email discussion list. Stay in touch! https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/ Just the Tip by Wendy WTF MOOP = Matter Out Of Place (MOOP). Glitter & feathers are super-duper-MOOPy; leave those at home or be prepared to pick up each speck. Secure your sequins. See you in the woods! ##