DPW Needs Volunteers for Setup Crew and Breakdown Crew To signup, email dpw@fireflyartscollective.org **Setup Crew (Early Arrival, June 30, noon to July 1, noon) Arrive at Firefly the day before the event (must sign-up for Early Arrival—see link below) Assemble information kiosks Place pedestrian traction mats in slippery/swampy/soft areas of trails Place vehicle traction mats in soft areas of access road Set up snow fencing Install trail lighting **Breakdown Crew (Sunday July 6, 3pm to 6pm) Stay only a few hours after the end of the event Collect trail lighting Disassemble Ranger Stations and Kitchen Disassemble information kiosks Collect pedestrian and vehicle traction mats Take down snow fence Pack the Firefly trailer and load the box truck Help the LNT crew do their job! (NOTE: Signing up for Breakdown does NOT allow you to stay past Sunday. To stay on till Monday July 7, you can also sign-up for LNT at lnt@fireflyartscollective.org ) To signup for Setup or Breakdown, email dpw@fireflyartscollective.org PLEASE let us know if you will be there for Early Crew or Breakdown or BOTH. (That would rock!) DPW will let you know via email when and where to show up for instructions and projects. If you signup for Setup you must apply for Early Arrival. Go to Early Arrival Sign-up at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NPSO0vF3PahC7dyz5MMR9hv0WGEyI6TOE2AiZ2zb4Q0... Thanks! DPW Crew