TOC Fire Spinning Circles Support Local Economy Carpool Instructions Gnome Shifts Added Coffee Kitchen Co-lead Transport Co-lead 1. Fire Spinning Circles at Firefly Hello all fire spinners and camps who want to have a spinning circle! It doesn't matter if your camp has had a spinning circle in previous years or if your camp has never had one, you need to contact Bendy at bendy@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:bendy@fireflyartscollective.org> (or talk to me in person) to have your spinning circle approved. Thanks, Bendy (Safety Cluster lead & Co-lead of Fire) bendy@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:bendy@fireflyartscollective.org> 2. Support the Local Economy During the Work Weekends and the actual event, remember to support the local economy by making purchases in Bethel and remember to mention that you are with Firefly. In a time when other regionals have struggled to find location to have their event, Firefly has been on the same site since 2009. We have have very good relations with our host town and hope to remain in Bethel for many more years. johnfrommaine@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:Johnfrommaine@fireflyartscollective.org> 3. Carpool: Request or Offer a Ride Drivers, please be sure you are offering all available spaces in your car! Everyone must pull together to rideshare whenever possible, since we are so tight on parking spaces. Go to our page at Ricky Rides <http://www.rickyrides.com/firefly-arts-collective> to offer or ask for a ride! Easy Ricky Rides instructions are here. <http://www.rickyrides.com/instructions> Contact transport <mailto:transport@fireflyartscollective.org> if you have questions or for more details. 4. Gnome Open Shifts Added, Gnomes are Hawt! Hello Gnomes and Gnome Wanna-bees! We have added Gnome Shifts on Sunday to support GTFO. If you are on the LNT team and will be looking to "generally help out things" on Sunday after packing up, Gnoming during GTFO would be a HUGE help. Or, if you are interested in joining the people who stick around after everyone skedaddles, this is a fine way to do it. Please consider Gnome shifts to support GTFO. Those guys get a T-shirt, but you get a sweet hat. It is also possible that at that time, GTFO and LNT will be smooth as silk and Gnomes can chill. In related news, there could be a few extra gnomes during the "Burn" of the bug on Friday or the Temple on Saturday, please consider. If the shift is full and you really want to do it, contact Gnomes and you will be added! Gnome! Is by far the most unique volunteer aspect of Firefly. Be unique with us! (no irony here, look away naysayers) Get the hawt hat! Contact at: gnomes@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:gnomes@fireflyartscollective.org> 5. Do you love coffee? Coffee Kitchen is seeking a third co-lead to learn how the process works and to help manage volunteers during the event. Help us caffeinate Firefly and keep all volunteers awake and happy! For more information please email: coffee@fireflyartscollective.org 6. We still need Transport Co-Leads Before Event—Assists with finding and training on-board bus volunteers for all bus trips, communications (emails), logistics and perks (bus locations, detours, etc.) During Event—Meet and board busses when they arrive at the event, assist busses with turning around, answer passenger questions about the bus (schedule, perks, exodus), collects materials from on-board bus coordinators. Exodus—Checks in passengers, coordinates staging area for luggage, makes sure passengers load gear onto trucks and busses in a timely manner, makes sure busses leave on time. Email: transport@fireflyartscollective.org if you’re interested in the above position.