The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or useful info leading up to Firefly. This digest helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so read on for several important event updates. 1122 Fireflies have tickets. The waitlist is back: friends are trying their luck! Return your tix NOW <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/cgi-bin/ticketing.pl> if you aren’t going. 6 days until the bug burns! Contents: 1) Firefly Arrival Checklist: ID + ticket, or be DENIED. 2) Look... up before you pitch your tent 3) How to fail at your volunteer shift! 4) 911, Emergencies and You 5) Print your WWW guides: listings close Sunday at noon 6) The 2017 Map is here! ----- 1) Firefly Arrival Checklist: Welcome to the jungle!!! - Be sure everyone in your car has a ticket, and a legit photo ID. This is strictly enforced. - If you must buy an unplanned parking pass at the gate, bring cash (*and prepare to be heckled for not doing it sooner. Buy online until 11:59pm Saturday.) - Cell/data signal is not consistent in VT; offline maps or paper directions are nice backups to have. - Ice, water, lunch, gasoline etc can be bought locally - if you come from Hwy 89 like most folks do, there is a general store with gas *just* before the Firefly road. Firefly Departure Checklist: - GTFO Hippies! Hope you left room in the car for your camp trash, ‘cause you’re not leaving it in the woods! Take a bath, check for ticks. 2) Look up before you pitch your tent Arrival sounds difficult, but is it also dangerous?! Perhaps. DPW and Work Weekenders have done a heroic job removing dangerous, fall-ready trees - more than ever this year. But nature is nature: so we also radically rely on each other to be alert for hazards. Look around before you camp; examine your surroundings for safety. If you see something sketchy and you can't tell if it might pose a risk to you (or an unwitting camper who arrives at 3am), get word to DPW for a consult. 3) Write down your volunteer shifts, why? If you don't show up for your volunteer shifts… someone else has to cover you, AND a kitten dies. Alarm clocks and watches help you know the time! 4) 911: Emergencies and Rangers Rangers are good people who roam the woods wearing khaki, and help community members through mediation/problem solving. They are not your Mom and they are not the police. They WILL engage emergency services for you if needed! If you are having an emergency you can reach a ranger through Channel 1 on the MURS radio and they will contact 911 and/or additional agencies as needed. Engaging someone with a radio is the FASTEST way to get emergency help at Firefly. Learn more about safety resources at Firefly: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/safety-resources-firefly-2017-use... 5) Print yer WWW Events Guide - No changes after Sunday at Noon At the magic hour of noon on Sunday, the ‘pretty print’ version of the WhereWhatWhen events calendar will get its last update - so you’ll know it is The Final Print Version. (The google calendar updates in real time, so it is always current.) Bring an extra to share. https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/whatwherewhen/ 6) The 2017 Map is here! Behold these glorious maps brought to you by Kel and Chooch, two different sizes. It even shows the hawk perimeter… the no passsing circle on Hydraulic. https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/getting-ready/map/ Just the Tip by Wendy WTF with special input from the Temple Crew The Impluvium, this year's Temple at Firefly, serves the community as a contemplative center where people leave their memorials and written words, wishes, hopes, and that which they wish to burn away. The temple needs to remain a quiet, contemplative, and respectful space for all visitors. Please act with a deep respect for the structure itself, others' experiences, and for all offerings and writing left within it. When visiting, understand that objects left there should be left undisturbed. When leaving offerings, please respect the need for interactive space within the modestly sized temple structure, and place them in areas where they won't be in the way of visitors attempting to interact with the Temple. Thank you. Learn more here: https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/temple-2017-impluvium-temple-eart... See you in ze woods! ##