Calling all Fireflies! 

Firefly 2022 is ON, and you can help make it happen! 

A core value of Firefly is that we’re participant-run. During COVID, our community has changed. Several long-time Firefly volunteers have moved away. We have many chances for you to get involved. Translation: we need everyone to pull together to make the event happen!

One of the most rewarding parts of Firefly is being part of making the event happen. You get to work with a fantastic team of community members. You get to “own” your contribution to the event. Unlike other spectator events, being part of making Firefly happen makes it much more special.

Right now, we’re looking for people to co-lead existing and new roles. Lead roles have co-leads to share the workload. It helps if Leads can volunteer for at least two years, for continuity, but we understand—sometimes life happens.

Once lead positions are filled, we can start finding volunteers to fill out each department.

Firefly needs you! We have a few key volunteer roles that we are looking to fill as soon as we can! Here is a bunch of roles we need filled in order for it to happen:

Host monthly/bi-weekly meetings with the Festival Committee, a daily onsite meeting during the event and various other meetings.

Desired skills: Project Management, Email/Document Organization, Interpersonal Skills, Conflict Resolution.

How to apply? Email to see if you would be a good fit.

Coordinating Firefly DPW and all equipment required to perform the tasks required. Work with outside resources including forester and lumberjack, as well as heading up sanitation contractor.. 

How to apply? Email to learn more!

There is ample documentation on how to do the job from 2019, including even a retro doc on what went well/what needs improvement!

Desired skills: Organization, spatial thinking, friendliness, ability to lead by delegation

Assistance: One Parking Lead and one Arrival Cluster Lead who look forward to helping you. Parking volunteers who are generally amazing and very very helpful, documentation on how to do the job from 2019, with what went well/ needs improvement 

Term: Ideally you’re open to being a Parking co-lead for at least two years - but we’re understanding as things come up

How to apply? Email to have a chat about it - don’t need to commit just yet :D

How to apply: Contact:

How to apply: Contact: