TOC: CARPOOL info, Refund info, Consent, Map 1. Carpool: Request or Offer a Ride Drivers, please be sure you are offering all available spaces in your car! Go to our page at Ricky Rides <http://www.rickyrides.com/firefly-arts-collective> to offer or ask for a ride! Easy Ricky Rides instructions are here. <http://www.rickyrides.com/instructions> Contact transport <mailto:transport@fireflyartscollective.org> if you have questions or for more details. 2. Ticketing/Parking Pass Purchase & Refund Deadline: 6/30 (Sunday) @ 10:00 AM Please look at your plans and return your ticket if you are not coming to Firefly! There are still people on the waitlist hoping for a ticket. You can get a refund on purchased tickets/parking passes up until this deadline. 3. Consent In the realm of radical self expression and radical self reliance, how and when does consent come into play? How do we accept civic responsibility when interacting with others at Firefly? Great questions to contemplate! Here's a resource on consent as written by Burning Man. Click here to read more. <https://bit.ly/2YhX2d1> 4. Map: Download and Print Thanks Chooch and Kel! Go here to print a color or black and white 8.5x11 map. <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/map/>