Hey Fireflies! You know how Firefly is a volunteer-run event and our principles <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/10-principles/> include Participation, Civic Responsibility, and Communal Effort--on the part of everyone who attends? Have you started thinking about how you want to pitch in to help make Firefly happen? Do you need more information, maybe want to talk to some people face-to-face to learn more? Now's the time to get it! The annual Firefly Open House is 5-9pm this Sunday, May 1st, at the Dilboy VFW Post in Davis Square, Somerville. What is the Open House? It’s an informal meet and greet/volunteer fair/information-gathering opportunity/excuse for a cash bar! Who will be there? Members of the Firefly Board, members of the Conduct Committee, event leads, core leads, and tons of other Firefly participants. Why should you go? Get to know people, make new friends, catch up with old friends. Learn about the various cores <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/> that work together to make Firefly happen. Sign up for volunteer shifts on the spot, or simply start to plan when you're going to fit volunteering into your time at Firefly. Talk about your theme camp, your art project, things you plan to gift, the Ten Principles, or... whatever. Once again for those in the back: Firefly Open House 5-9pm Sunday, May 1st Dilboy VFW Post in Davis Square 371 Summer St, Somerville, MA 02144 Free snacks and cash bar on site! (psst: for more art in your life, check out some of the Somerville Open Studios <https://www.somervilleopenstudios.org/> before showing up)