Hello Fireflies, The Firefly Arts Show during Somerville Open Studios is just around the corner! We need volunteers to help set up on Friday night (5/4) as well as Saturday morning (5/5), hang out with us during the show on Saturday and Sunday, and help breakdown (5/6). We will rent a truck to pick up and return artwork on Saturday morning and Sunday night, unless you can lend a hand and a truck! ** The Firefly Art Show takes place on Saturday May 5th and Sunday May 6th from Noon to 6pm at Artisan's Asylum in Somerville** We are looking for volunteers to (wo)man 2 hour shifts hosting the art show! You're free to jump on the SOS shuttle and explore the rest of Somerville open studios before/after your shift or hang out. This will be the best year yet :) If you're interested in hosting the event with us just follow this link and add your name https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkNWWTQmPwQsdDZESDQyVTREbWVkZDF... If you're interested in helping us set up/breakdown send an email to sos(at)fireflyartscollective(dot)org. We have a mix of pieces that enjoy the light and the dark as well as roving performers and the three tin grant recipients. Email us if you're interested! Lots o' love!! ~Firefly