*Grab your Temple Grant NOW! Deadline Approaching*! *Bring your vision to life!* This is a reminder that the deadline for Temple Grant applications is coming up, and so far, NO ONE HAS SUBMITTED ANYTHING! Your last chance to submit your proposals is the night of 2/9 (the portal closes at 2am). There isn't much time left, so if you have a vision, please share it, because if you don’t, the temple will be an improvised pile of sticks 🙁 Learn more about the crafting a proposal for the Temple Grant here [ _https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/art-grants/... ] Submit your application on the grant submission portal here [ _https://grants.fireflyartscollective.org/_ ] *_What to know more about Firefly Art Grants in general?_* See _our page on the Firefly website_ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/art-grants/> [https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/art-grants/] *_Other questions?_* Email us: grants@fireflyartscollective.org <3 Firefly Art Grant Core