Hi Ya'll If I haven't heard from you yet, please send in your Event, Art Project or Themecamp info to be posted on the WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE Guide: Your Guide to all the AWESOME at Firefly. Use this form to enter a description of your awesome Event, Art Project or Themecamp: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/31295273997973 Helpful Information for the Guide: - Descriptions for the PRINTED version of the guide are limited to 140 characters, - Descriptions for the INTERWEBS version (to be posted on the Firefly arts collective website) do not have a character limit. - Please remember to include any Placement information you have so we know where your event / art / camp is. Final deadline for all WWWG submissions ***to be included in the printed version which will be at 5 locations at Firefly*** is THIS SUNDAY June 23rd at 3pm sharp. Submissions will be continue to be accepted until the Friday before Firefly (June 28th) for the web version only. Please Note: If you need an extra day, send me an email by the Sunday 3pm deadline to let me know.This goes to print mid-week. Any questions please email me at GuideToTheAwesome AT gmail.com See you (and your art / event / camp) in the woods~!