2022-06-24 GlowbeTable of Contents 1. Gate Will Take Your Phone! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=kix.oe0rqvr50xmq> 2. Firefly Ranger Training 2022 <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.hoolz64g3p6l> 3. Safety Thank You, Sunday @ Noon by Sanctuary <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.y63r9i19da02> 4. Do You Want To Be A Touchstone/ Touchstone Meet and Greet! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.k0n6s0flk3o0> 5. Prepare for Ticks! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.x7eywhy6zrgh> 6. Accessibility Transportation Requests <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.rlja7r331wsf> 7. DPW Late Crew Needs YOU! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.l7tgs1xsnw54> 8. Do the Monster Mash! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.bwqckv5zu0vy> 9. Art Transportation Requests <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.vgemnwvhelpx> 10. Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.nh6veimz9rdc> 11. Links <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bX070r0detfut3Jg_WspbPbwOBYAMuByWNAxtJzTOA8/edit#bookmark=id.3eyapwypc4vi> This issue is also published to the web at this link <https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vReLqImLu-mnJ825BD-Yw4RmNC1uavWbd3Tm69z6wdLFiGqshjV7w2fr9yEx7sctZ7O2HzQ5_D1yi4r/pub> Gate Will Take Your Phone!! Heads up: if you are planning to show proof of vaccination (or PCR test results) on your phone, we will need to take your phone from you for a few minutes. Before doing this, we’ll ask you to go into your phone settings and turn the screen timeout to 5 minutes (we will have instructions on how to do this). For those of you who haven’t been to Firefly, when you arrive at the Gate we require that you stay in your car. Your IDs and proof of vaccination (if you didn’t upload your SMART card already!) are brought over to our Security team so we can get you checked in. Please don’t make us take your phone! Verify your vaccination status on your ticketing dashboard <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/> ahead of time (fastest!) or bring physical, hard-copy (photocopy is ok) proof of vaccination (or PCR test results). If you’re arriving with PCR results, we will also need to see that you have enough test kits to test daily. Don’t pack them away! Questions? Contact gate@fireflyartscollective.org Firefly Ranger Training 2022 Hello returning and future Firefly Rangers! This year the Firefly Rangers will be led by myself and Aster Treitman, with the support of returning Rangers. The Rangers can be found circulating throughout the event in pairs with Firefly logoed t-shirts, a laminate, and carrying radios as the eyes and ears of the community, available to help facilitate issues, concerns, or information that participants may need. Ranger are based out of their headquarters located at the intersection of Mercurial Way and Verdant Ave where participants can walk up and check in with the shift lead as well, and there will be a burn barrel going at night as a comfort station. Although the Rangers page has information from 2019, We just had our first training last week to test out the new in person and Zoom Call training, and things went well with that. There are two more trainings coming up, so we are looking forward to having returning Rangers, those who have Rangered at Burning Man or other Regionals, and folks who are interested in volunteering with the department. New folks can check out the Rangers page at https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/rangers/, though the information listed there was for 2019, while the fresh stuff is being posted here, with the link for the 2022 Firefly Ranger Survey Here – https://forms.gle/JQxfytk9aGkqz1177 Saturday June 25, 2022 In person and ZOOM Call 2 pm to 6 pm. Since the location is at a private residence, e-mail rangers@fireflyartscollective.org for the address and additional details. The four-hour range is to accommodate questions and breaks as needed, though we will be mindful to focus on updates for 2022 and a review of the Policies and Procedures as a review since most everyone has been away from Rangering since 2019. If you cannot attend this training, there will be another at Firefly, Thursday, June 30 at 10 am to 2 pm at the Ranger Station, located at the intersection of Mercurial Way and Verdant Ave For the Zoom Call, the log in information is as follows: Join Zoom Meeting https://mit.zoom.us/j/2998397566?pwd=b2NPY1JFd3VPT0pjOFpNenZ4UU0vdz09 Password: pralines One tap mobile +16465588656,,2998397566# US (New York) +16699006833,,2998397566# US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 299 839 7566 US : +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 International Numbers: https://mit.zoom.us/u/actJuf48b Join by SIP 2998397566@zoomcrc.com Join by Skype for Business https://mit.zoom.us/skype/2998397566 If you have any equations or comments, send an e-mail to rangers@fireflyartscollective.com Thanks again for investing in the future of Firefly by volunteering as good stewards of the community! Flambeau & Nightwing Ranger Leads Firefly 2022 Safety Thank You, Sunday @ Noon by Sanctuary If you either volunteered with the Safety Cluster (Fire, First Aid, Radio, Rangers, Sanctuary, or OOD) or you took a Board on Call shift during Firefly 2022, please join me for a group photo / swag distribution / toast! We’ll meet by Sanctuary around noon and will do a short thank-you activity before taking a group photo. I would love to thank all of you in person for all of your hard work this year! Email Oryx (oryx@fireflyartscollective.org) with questions or for more info Howdy! Excuse the possibly weird email formatting - Do You Want To Be A Touchstone/ Touchstone Meet and Greet! A couple Fireflys ago I launched a project called Touchstone, and want to announce that I'm happy to bring them back! It was a project to help facilitate supportive, friendly, helpful interactions at Firefly, and I'd like to keep it going! What is a Touchstone? A human wearing an obvious visible marker. They're there to be friendly and helpful! if you found yourself in a state or with a feeling, they'd be available (when wearing the illuminated marker) to hold space, have a chat, take a wander, answer a few questions, or otherwise share some time and energy in a helpful manner. Volunteer shifts are as-able. Feeling helpful and available, turn your sigil on! Finding yourself occupied? Turn it off. What would I do as a Touchstone? 1. [Focus on holding space & listening] ( https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/11-things-that-will-help-you-hold-space-for... ) 2. [Maintain approachability] ( https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/8-ways-to-be-the-most-approachable-pers... ) 3. Be friendly when people strike up a conversation, use friendly questions like "What would make your Firefly experience better?" and other things that can encourage them to verbalize what's going on, without putting them on the spot. 4. Be friendly & strike up conversation! A lot of people have indicated an interest in being a Touchstone because it's a service that they would have benefited from. Look for yourself at the event, see how they're doing. 5. Check places like parking / greeters / Sanctuary / kitchen etc. and see how their staffing levels are, if they could use a hand, etc. Did you know that 136% of volunteers don't show up for their volunteer shifts on time or at all? (some come early!) If you're interested in joining, please sign up here: [ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLJ5NpMnZunt0ESs4iJPFAX2RbZbBgc3Ry... | AND There will be a Touchstone Meet and Greet held at Sanctuary at 1:30 pm to 3 pm on Thursday, the 30th! (This will be at the same time as the Sanctuary Meet and Greet) I will send you more info. It is a great volunteer spot for people interested in things like greeting, sanctuary, rangering, and other helpful, supportive roles.. but you may not have the schedule, the bandwidth, etc. Prepare for Ticks! There are ticks at Firefly. They want to suck your blood and maybe give you a disease. Remember to do tick checks at the event and consider ways to reduce your risk of tick-borne illnesses. na Accessibility Transportation Requests If you have trouble getting around and are worrying about how to get your things up the hill, Accessibility would like to help you out. Fill out this Accessibility Transportation Request Form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZgq-jYG7StRgD-t5B1OKuSwi4I5paV9zeEK-_II9o1Ue3eg/viewform> to let us know approximately when you would need the pickup and where from (Lower Parking/Greeters, or Upper Parking). The request form will close on Monday, June 27th. Please Note: - Accessibility Transport is intended only for individuals who request a ride and their personal camping gear. The core will not be assisting with transport of theme camp infrastructure or art. - Accessibility will operate during daylight hours only - there is no driving in the woods after dark, so plan your arrival accordingly. Questions? Email accessibility@fireflyartscollective.org DPW Late Crew needs you! I aim for the speediest and most efficient infrastructure breakdown of all time this year. With new storage containers and well labeled and color coded items, I am hoping this goal is within our grasp. Help me make it happen - sign up for DPW exodus and late shifts here - Iva Infrastructure & DPW Co-Lead Do The Monster Mash! It’s a graveyard smash! Smash the heck outta that graveyard by volunteering for a Graveyard shift! We still need 56 volunteers! <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/353> Graveyard shifts are super fun and super relaxed. Bring some friends, some libations, and chill out for a few hours while really helping out at Firefly. Our only requirement for Graveyard volunteers is that you are in a headspace of making pretty OK decisions. If you have questions as to what that means for you - or questions in general! - definitely reach out to us: arrival@fireflyartscollective.org or visit the volunteer page <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/353> for a longer description of what a Graveyard shift is. Thanks so much! Art Transportation Requests Are you bringing art which you will need help getting up the hill? DPW is happy to assist with Polarises and trailers. Fill out this Art Transport Request Form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWB0KJTu5lunuFucINly1SNu0nE82_1A7aQS37hKHQ0n52Wg/viewform> to let us know approximately when you would need the pickup, where from (Art Truck, Lower Parking, or Upper Parking) and provide some info about what you need transported. The request form will close on Monday, June 27th. Questions? Email dpw@fireflyartscollective.org Gate Will Take Your Phone!! Heads up: if you are planning to show proof of vaccination (or PCR test results) on your phone, we will need to take your phone from you for a few minutes. Before doing this, we’ll ask you to go into your phone settings and turn the screen timeout to 5 minutes (we will have instructions on how to do this). For those of you who haven’t been to Firefly, when you arrive at the Gate we require that you stay in your car. Your IDs and proof of vaccination (if you didn’t upload your SMART card already!) are brought over to our Security team so we can get you checked in. Please don’t make us take your phone! Verify your vaccination status on your ticketing dashboard <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/> ahead of time (fastest!) or bring physical, hard-copy (photocopy is ok) proof of vaccination (or PCR test results). If you’re arriving with PCR results, we will also need to see that you have enough test kits to test daily. Don’t pack them away! Questions? Contact gate@fireflyartscollective.org Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF LNT = Leave No Trace. It starts the moment you arrive. Wendy WTF reserves one of her pockets for MOOP (Matter Out of Place) she encounters, figuring she probably accidentally dropped something similar at some point. Wear lots of glitter and feathers and sequins to give others hours of thrilling MOOP recovery. Or spill a bag of rice. That's always fun. If your contribution is something that makes others go 'GROSS!' or looks exactly like toilet paper, ask a trusted Firefly for advice on how to do that doo you do without a trace. A little planning goes a long way. Wendy WTF believes in you. Yes, YOU. Links Announce/ Glowbe Archives <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/pipermail/announce/> Communicating with Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> The 10 Principles <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/what-is-firefly/10-principles/> Volunteer at Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/>