Hellooooo Fireflies!! We're happy to announce (belatedly) that there will be another FF Art Truck going up to Vermont this year. This is a FREE service, to get your art from city to woods. The art truck pick up at Artisan's Asylum (10 Tyler St Somerville) the evening of Monday, July 2. You'll be required to PROVIDE YOUR OWN TRANSPORT to and from the pick-up / drop-off area, so please plan accordingly. The truck will arrive at the Firefly site on Tues, July 3. You do not have to have early arrival to use the truck, your art will be waiting for you when you get to the site. Your art must be PACKAGED such that it will NOT DAMAGE OR BE DAMAGED BY other art on the truck. We'll be as careful as possible in tetrising everything nice and snug inside the truck, but things inevitably shift in transport so packaging is key. If you have packed art for transport on the burning truck, you know the drill. Another thing to keep in mind: NO FLAMMABLES OR FOOD/BEVERAGES. We don't want your stuff to endanger anyone else's. And this truck is for ART ONLY! No personal belongings or camping gear please. To request a spot on the art truck, please RESPOND to FF2012ARTTRUCK (at) fireflyartscollective (dot) com with: 1) The name of your project and a contact name & email 2) An estimate of the cubic feet to space you're requesting. To estimate your space requirements, measure the length width and height of an imaginary box that could contain your transport-ready packaged art. There will be another email that goes out to everyone who has a spot on the truck, detailing pickup and drop off times. Thanks, and see you in the wooods!! Firefly 2012 Art Truck