21 May
21 May
9:49 p.m.
REMINDER: This is your chance to share your art and have it printed on a Firefly ticket that a happy Firefly will cherish forever! Your ticket design must say "Firefly" and this year's dates, which are July 1-6, 2014. The rest is up to your imagination! The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm on Sunday, June, 8th, 2014 . IMPORTANT! This year all art tickets will be printed in a 3:4 aspect ratio. The image must be 3" x 4" in size, at 300 dpi or higher resolution, no borders and must be submitted in PDF, Illustrator, Photoshop, PNG, or high quality JPEG format. Submissions should be sent to FFTicketArt(at)fireflyartscollective(dot)org We can't wait to see what you come up with this year! Jen Hill & Leonid