State of the Firefly art grants: 

- Creativity/Legacy submissions close on Monday 3/27. There's lots of still-unclaimed funds - get your submissions in!

- Crystal grants ($1000 grants) have been extended to close on Monday 3/27 as well! Do a big project! Firefly wants more big projects. (Want to do something big but need more than $1000 to make it happen? Let us know!)

- Temple submissions are officially closed! We received a bunch of great submissions and are currently in the vetting process. Thank you for your submissions! 


Detailed grant information is available here: Firefly Art Grants Overview

The submission deadlines are: 

March 13th: Temple (closed!)
March 27th: Crystal + Creativity + Legacy
April 3rd: BEX + Skillshare

Submissions are handled through the Firefly Art Grants Web Portal. If you signed up in 2016, your accounts are no longer active. Please sign up again so we are sure to have your most current information on-file! 

Any questions? Email us! 

Firefly Art Grant Core