Fireflies-- Just a reminder that if you want to make it into the Firefly Ticket Lottery this year, your snail-mail confirmation needs to be postmarked by TODAY. And the Post Office has totally unreasonable hours. The address to send your release form<http://fireflyartscollective.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/FireflyRelease2014.pdf>to: Firefly PO Box 45399 Somerville MA 02145 If you're not going to make it to the mailbox in time today, please email us (tickets@fireflyartscollective.org) so we can help! If you *just* got struck with an awesome idea for an ARTifact, don't let it hold up your release! ARTifacts have no deadline (since they aren't required), so you can send them along later if you like. Or, of course, make it and bring it to Firefly yourself. Firefly Tickets.