Firefly starts in just a few days, so we have a lot of messages to pass along. Prepare for the infodump! Final information & directions to Firefly will be sent to paid ticketholders in a separate email this weekend. There will be another Glowbe Special Edition from the Firefly safety cores on Monday. CONTENTS 1. Volunteer opportunities 2. Waitlist cleared; tickets available! 3. Coffee Hut/Base Camp update and info 4. ✮ Volunteer opportunity on-site Tuesday & Wednesday: posting signs with Propaganda Core! ✮ 5. Weather awareness 6. Volunteer for DPW shifts! 7. Pre-Bug-Burn Circus Show Call for Performers and Musicians 8. Temple Crew requests helping hands 9. Show off your art in the Art Tours! 10. "Just the Tip" If you've just signed up or have otherwise missed out on previous information, you can read previous issues of The Glowbe in the archives using the link at the bottom of this email. For more Firefly information, check out the website at http://fireflyartscollective.org, join the discussion forum/mailing list FireflyBlink at https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/fireflyblink, or hop into the Firefly Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/31209741538/. ---------- 1. Volunteer opportunities Less than 1 week till we hit the woods and there are still lots of volunteer opportunities! Firefly is volunteer run and we count on every participant to pitch in and take a few shifts. 1-2 shifts (or about 6 hours is a great number to shoot for). There are literally thousands of people hours that go into planning and running the event. THE ONLY LINK YOU NEED: https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org 1) Create an account. Takes 30 seconds. 2) Click on the name of the core (far left side) you are interested in to see what shifts are still available. 3) The “view schedule” button on the right will let you see who is already signed up for what shifts. ---------- 2. Waitlist cleared; tickets available! The active waitlist has been cleared; everyone who sent in a signed release form and logged onto the ticket site within the past two weeks has received a ticket offer. Woo hoo! We're still getting requests for refunds, thought. This means two things: - If you request a ticket refund, you will only get it if someone pops up on the waitlist wanting a ticket. Refunds will be processed in the order they are requested, so push that button now if you know you aren't going. - If you don't have a ticket and you want one, get your release form in NOW and log in to make sure you're active! There are always last-minute refunds, which means right now we expect *extra tickets available*. But we can't issue a ticket offer without your signed release form in hand. Ticket sales will be closing down on Monday night. See you in the woods! ---------- 3. Coffee Hut/Base Camp update and info *Hello Firefliers!* *The Coffee Hut/Base Camp has moved to the apple grove above the bug. * - *Coffee Kitchen* - We will be pouring our usual strong brew almost all day. Come and get caffeinated! There will also be hot water for tea and hot chocolate (yes we have marshmallows). We will also have a three burner stove and a wash station for those who want to cook. We will not have any cooking implements (pots or pans) - these you will have to bring and take with you when you are finished. We have no trash or garbage receptacles either. LNT. - *No Borders Free Bookstore *Come and peruse a selection of chapbooks to read and share when you need a break from Firefly. - *Lost and Found* - Please bring all clothing, gear etc. here. Any valuables (keys, phones, meds, glasses etc.) please bring to Ranger HQ. - *Gnomes* - in case you forgot to sign up for a volunteer shift at the Greeters when you came in - you can see what cores still needs help at the Gnome hut! - *Intentions Book* - If you didn’t send in an intention, you can still add one to the book that will burn in the bug on Saturday. - *Message Board *- leave a note for a friend or an event! ---------- 4. ✮ Volunteer opportunity on-site Tuesday & Wednesday: posting signs with Propaganda Core! ✮ Help make it easy for people to find their way around Firefly! Propaganda Core will be meeting at Diode at 4 pm Tuesday during early arrival and at the same time and place Wednesday to post official Firefly signs around the event site. No need to bring anything or do anything beforehand - just come join us at Diode and grab as many signs as you're comfortable posting! ---------- 5. Weather awareness A heads up concerning how dry it is: Be vigilant if you have fires or are spinning. The stream is low and may not be a good refrigerator. Bring extra water for cooking and drinking. ---------- 6. Volunteer for DPW shifts! The Department of Public Works still has volunteer opportunity available, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Monday. Sign up here and help us move all the things: https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/ Thanks! ---------- 7. Pre-Bug-Burn Circus Show Call for Performers and Musicians As in the past N years, I will be bringing my aerial rig to the event and it will be set up in the usual place in the field. The annual firefly pre-bug-burn circus show will take place as long as there are enough performers to make it happen. That's where you come in - If you would like to be part of the magic, either PM me or send mail to " frobzwiththingz+bugcircus@gmail.com". There will be a fabric and a 36" double-point lyra coming up with the rig, other aerial apparatus can be rigged if you bring it. Get Your Circus On! You know you want to! ---------- 8. Temple Crew requests helping hands The Temple Crew is looking for a few good Fireflies to help us set the 20 foot tall Temple of Arbitrary on fire on Sunday evening. We'll need people on Sunday afternoon to help load the temple up with cordwood to prep for the burn, as well as people to maintain the burn perimeter during the burn itself. If you want to be part of the burn perimeter, please meet down by the Temple at 7:30 on Sunday, wear **non-synthetic* *clothing, closed toed shoes, and have a light source. There will brief perimeter training at that time, so you'll learn exactly what you need to do. Please sign up here if you can help, or just show up (especially Sunday afternoon for setup) if you feel moved to help at that time - many hands make light work! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_IeL6X02RUtfKsfXE4u-8pZOBVA8Dp_Pezaf... ---------- 9. Show off your art in the Art Tours! If you'd like your art or installation to be featured in this year's Firefly art tours, fill out our form! <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/165723BG6-HnReZn-hDVKcTZag3A-QHzZsduNyrqU4yQ/viewform> Art tours help people discover art they might not otherwise see, learn more about it, and demystify the process of getting grants and bringing art to burns. We have tours on several different days and sadly cannot feature events or performances. The deadline for submitting info is this Saturday at midnight, so do it ASAP if you want to be included! Email arttours@fireflyartscollective.org with any questions. ---------- 10. *)'( Hover No More )'(*by Wendy WTF I'll remind you once I'll remind you twice When you have to pee, Sitting down is nice. If you've gotta go one Or you've gotta go two Sit down comfortably And enjoy taking that poo. You'll keep the seat clean You'll keep the seat dry, The only contagion you'll catch Is a big happy sigh. ---------- _______________________________________________ You received this message because you are subscribed to Announce@lists.fireflyartscollective.org Manage your subscription at https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/listinfo/announce