****hi hi hi!* *please send this at 2pm on thursday!* *please and thannnnnnnk yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!**** MEDICAL PSA #4: PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, EPI-PENS and FIRST AID KITS! The Blue Dots do not dispense prescription medications of any kind: not antibiotics, not Lactulose enemas, not Cialis, and not Plan B. If you are on a prescription, be sure to bring it! The woods are risky enough without you taking a medication holiday and having a stroke/asthma attack/psychotic break all over us. Do you have a life threatening allergy? While our crack team of volunteers are knowledgeable in the techniques necessary to maintain a decompensating life, we would rather not give you a cricothyrotomy in the woods because your airway has swollen shut making CPR impossible while EMS isn't going to arrive for another 15 minutes. Volunteering is all the rage here at Firefly 2014 - would you like to volunteer for a cricothyrotomy? (Sign up with the Gnomes!) No. Wait, that's a terrible idea. You don't want that. And we don't want to consider risking our professional licensure in order to save your life by performing one on you. Please do us Blue Dots a favor, spare us the difficult decision of choosing between your life and our livelihoods, and bring your life-saving prescriptions. As mentioned in Tuesday's PSA, we recommend using your judgement. Don't forget to pack your judgement! It fits nicely inside your first aid kit! Bust it out whenever you need it! Having your judgement on you at Firefly, along with your own supplies, means you don't need to walk all the way to the Medical Station at Mercurial and Verdant, radio for a Blue Dot, and then wait for a Blue Dot to arrive. Hell, if you use your judgement, you may never penetrate your foot on that giant, hot, throbbing piece of wood, nor will you need a morning-after pill the next day. However, though we do try to stem the tides by empowering you to care for yourself, we are absolutely here to help you. If you are concerned about an injury or illness you are experiencing, please come see us! It gives our hearts joy and our lives purpose to assist you in your time of need! Please use us! We like to feel used! And remember kids, you can't spell "event" without "prevention!"
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