Announcing MOAR Firefly Art Grants!

~*~ A NEW ROUND OF GRANTS IS OPEN: CREATIVITY, BURNER EXCHANGE, AND LEGACY ~*~ Hello, Fireflies! We heard from a number of you that you still have ideas for art that didn’t make it into the Creativity process the first time around… so we’re doing it again! The Creativity Grants are our primary grants, and are designed to fund creative new projects to be shared with our community during the Firefly event. Creativity Grants are awarded in tiers of $150, $300, $599, and $1,000. The Legacy Grants are designed to support projects which already exist, but need some funding to make it to Firefly again. These grants go towards maintenance, repairs, improvements, and so forth. Legacy Grants are awarded in tiers of $100, $300, $500, and $1,000. The Burner Exchange (BEX) Grants are for art that already appeared either at a regional burn event or Burning Man, and showcases the local flavor of its origin. Grant money is intended to be applied to minor maintenance / improvements and shipping costs to Vermont. BEX Grants are awarded for up to $1,000. The Smol Grant is our lowest grant level, between $40 and $99, for artists whose ideas are big but whose budget is smol. These grants will be awarded on a rolling basis after most other grants have been decided. We will be sending out the smol grant application information soon. Creativity + Legacy + BEX Submissions due: 5/15 How Do I Submit? Submissions are handled through the Firefly Art Grants Web Portal. If you signed up in a previous year, your accounts are no longer active. Please sign up again so we are sure to have your most current information on-file! [ | ] For even more information, please visit the following web page: [ | ] . Feel free to reach out with any questions to: Thank you! – Firefly Art Grant Core
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