Firefly 2024 GLOWBE #3 — Here to BUG You with So Much Info!

Greetings Fireflies! If you’re getting antsy, try out this [ | LNT POP QUIZ! ] Don’t worry, it’s a totally easy quiz, especially if you’ve already read the [ | LNT Best Practices ] doc. Can’t be prepared without LNT knowledge! In this edition: * Work Weekend #3 * How to Deal with Medical Issues at Firefly * Didn't Find a Volunteer Shift You Liked? Check Again! * Volunteer Tracking * DPW: Art Transport Requests * Accessibility Info on the Website * Ice Hole Update! * All the Links! * Asks and Offers * Keep in Touch Work Weekend #3 If you plan on attending Work Weekend #3 (June 21-23) make sure to fill out the [ | Work Weekend Sign-Up form ] by the end of day on Wednesday, June 19 . We will be sending out some very important information for folks who filled out the form and indicated they will be coming up on that weekend. The contractor who is working on Ring Road will be up there working on Saturday, so the email will instruct folks on how to make sure to stay out of his way so he can get the monumental task completed on time. We have new guidelines from the landowners regarding best Leave No Trace (LNT) practices and we are including those in the email as well. It will be a long one, but packed full of important information that even seasoned work weekend volunteers and Firefly attendees need to know, so read all of it ! Questions? Email [ | ] [ ] How to Deal with Medical Issues at Firefly There are 2 resources to assist you with medical issues: FIRST AID: * Can help you figure out if you might have an emergency that should be seen by the medics if you are uncertain. * Can call the medics, provide first aid, and do CPR until medics arrive. * Can connect you to supplies (bandages, over-the-counter medications, etc…) that you might have forgotten at home. * First Aid is located in front of the Ranger Station at Mercurial and Verdant. * You can also ask any volunteer with a walkie-talkie to call us. MEDICS: * Can assist in an emergency (broken bone, fall from a high place, overdose, etc…) * The medics are at Firefly, located behind the Ranger Station at Mercurial and Verdant. * In an emergency, find any volunteer with a walkie-talkie, or find the emergency call box at Upper Parking. * When you call, you will need to tell the medics the injury and the location (use nearby path names, theme camps, art installations, etc…). Keep it brief and simple. * You will also need to wait for the medics at the location to guide them to the injured person. Use your flashlight to help them find you at night. * Try not to leave a person having an emergency alone. Send for help if you can. Questions? Email [ | ] Didn't Find a Volunteer Shift You Liked? Check Again! We have removed unticketed volunteers from shifts, which means some shifts that were previously taken are now open. If you have a ticket, please [ | check if you can help us fill these shifts! ] When? Now, but definitely by Wednesday, June 26th, when we close online volunteer signups. For which cores? These are especially in need: First Aid, Graveyard, GTFO, Late Crew, LNT, Parking, and Rangers. Thank you for volunteering! We can't have Firefly without it! Questions? Email [ | ] Volunteer Tracking This year, we are going to try out tracking who shows up for their shifts to better inform our volunteer coordination efforts! Here's what you need to know (unless you're a Ranger, then just track as you usually do): * Core leads or the first shift of a core should pick up tracking sheets from Gnomes. * All volunteers should sign in on a tracking sheet for every shift. * Whenever you notice a sheet is full, take a picture and email it to [ | ] with the subject "track." * Help all sheets find their way back to Gnomes; Gnomes can pick them up on their rounds and you can also drop them off in a dropbox we'll have set up there. This is for measurement purposes only , so don't cheat! We really appreciate your help pulling off this ambitious feat of intel gathering! Questions? Email [ | ] DPW: Art Transport Requests Are you bringing art which you will need help getting up the hill into the woods? DPW is happy to offer assistance with Polarises and trailers. Fill out this [ | Art Transport Request Form ] (by 6/26) to let us know approximately when you would need the pickup, where from (Art Truck, Lower Parking, or Upper Parking) and provide some info about what you need transported. Questions? Email [ | ] [ ] Accessibility Info on the Website Accessibility information has a new home on the [ | Firefly Website ] ! Questions? Email [ | ] Ice Hole Update! We are well on our way to funding our frosty goals of getting ice cubes delivered to Firefly from a local ice vendor. 100% of your donations to the ice fund will be used to purchase bags of ice, at cost, from a local vendor. The annual ice cube fundraiser is still looking for donations: [ | ] This year, the ice hole has invested in one of those commercial ice freezers for Firefly, so we can keep the ice clean, cold, and off the ground between delivery and distribution. You can contribute up the one-time infrastructure purchase fundraiser (and become a part owner of a commercial ice freezer) here: [ | ] All the Links! A fun [ | spreadsheet ] of helpful links and forms you may be searching for! Asks & Offers Asks and Offers: Share Desires, Offer Fulfillment * If you need something or are offering something, you might find it here. * [ | Place your own ask or offer ] Asks * Ride: Hi I need a ride to the burn from north Boston (will travel to you if in a different area of Boston) on Tuesday the 2nd and a ride back at the end of the burn. Willing to chip in for gas and snacks. :) Amber Nifong, 336-471-5698 * Advice: Please share your advice with Glory Glory Hole-lelujah by filling out the survey at [ | ] . Gareth, Proprietor of GGH,, 617-863-6048 Keep in Touch In addition to the GLOWBE, you can find announcements and keep up with fellow Fireflies on [ | Facebook ] and [ | Discord ] . Subscribe to the [ | Firefly Blinklist Email List ] , A free-for-all email list for community discussion. Use the [ | email directory ] to get in touch with any of the volunteer cores directly.
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