Join the Firefly DPW! Build things! Come to the Work Weekends!

Hello, Fireflies! Would you like to help create the foundation for our fantastic experience in the woods? The Department of Public Works would love to have you involved. The DPW operates before and after the event, but not during the event (if we've done our jobs right), so joining us is a great way to get more time in the woods with other hardcore Fireflies who like working hard, getting dirty, and being badass. How and when you can help: Work Weekends: For the first three weekends of June, we'll be fixing bridges, clearing and building new trails, digging drainage ditches and spreading gravel, assembling the structures for the Kitchen/Bass Camp and Rangers, and sawing up the many, many dead trees. The more hands and the more saws and shovels we can get, the better! We would especially love to find a few extra people who are _experienced_ with a chainsaw. Bring your tools! Early Arrival: Last-minute tasks include putting up fences, assembling the information kiosks, and carting (authorized) gear up the hill in our mighty Polaris UTV. We start a day before the event officially begins. Late Crew: We undo everything from the Work Weekends and Early Arrival as fast as possible! Take down structures, kiosks, fences, theme camps, shove them all in a truck, and send them away! We stay after the event is finished, until the work is done. Starting Sunday at noon, if you can spare an hour, or three hours, or even a mighty six hours, we can use your help getting everyone else back out into the default world. Let us know how and when you'd like to help! Send an email to and we'll keep you informed. If you want to come to a Work Weekend, also please sign up here: so the Work Weekend core can keep track of everyone. Or if you're around, no need to be so formal, just offer us a hand. We won't bite it. We want to put it to work. -Ozx, DPW core leader
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