Welcome to The Glowbe issue 01! This year we're going to try consolidating the assorted Announce mailing-list emails into one regular newsletter with information, announcements, and lame jokes from all the Cores at once! Our aim is a weekly Glowbe to keep you up-to-date with important Firefly stuff you need and want to know. Contents: 1. Firefly 2016 vital information 2. Ticket Registration & Lottery dates 3. Firefly Open House 4. Open Core Leadership Positions 5. Volunteers needed: First Aid 6. Volunteers needed: Rangers ---------- 1. Firefly 2016 vital information Firefly will be held Wednesday, June 29 through Monday, July 4 in Vermont. It'll be the largest Firefly ever! (Just a few more participants than 2015.) Unchanged from last year: Tickets cost $80. Parking passes are $30 per car, and bus tickets from Boston are $45 round-trip or $30 one-way. ---------- 2. Ticket Registration & Lottery dates Time to get excited (and find your stamps and wander around your neighborhood looking for a mailbox)--registration for the Firefly ticket lottery will open on 15 March! Get your registration in by 31 March and you’ll be entered in the ticket lottery on 9 April. Registrations arriving after 31 March will go on the waitlist. We'll be collecting ticket waivers (and ARTifacts) by mail again this year. Fireflies sending in mail resulted in fewer ticket returns in 2014 and 2015 than previously, speeding waitlist flow, and the waitlist was clear (barely!) when the event started both years. More detail coming soon, or you can email tickets@fireflyartscollective.org with questions. ---------- 3. Firefly Open House Planning for the Firefly Open House has started. It will be held in late April or early May in Cambridge or Somerville. At the Open House, the different cores that make up the Firefly Festival Committee get together with the community to talk about plans and volunteering. If you want to find out how you can be a bigger part of Firefly, learn what goes into making it happen, or recruit for your new endeavor, it's the place! Confirmed time and place details coming in a future issue of The Glowbe. ---------- 4. Open Core Leadership Positions Interested in helping out with the leadership of firefly? Firefly's organizational tasks are divided into what we call "cores". You've probably even heard of a few of them (Parking, Gate, Greeters, DPW). Each core is run by a few volunteers. Ideally for each core, we'd like to have 2 to 3 co-leads with the hope that one co-lead has experience leading that core and the other co-lead is new and excited to help with fresh new ideas. This is where YOU all come in! You do have ideas for how you'd like to shape Firefly, right? (Generally volunteer experience in a core is expected before becoming a lead, but that varies by core and is not a requirement.) We've begun the planning process for this year’s event and there are some new openings in various cores. So far we have: - Art and Theme Camp Placement - 1 co-lead requested, email placement@fireflyartscollective.org - Fire and Safety Core - 1 co-lead requested, email fire@fireflyartscollective.org - Ticket Core - 1 co-lead requested, email tickets@fireflyartscollective.org If you’re interested in any other core lead position, email either the current core leads or festival@fireflyartscollective.org. A slightly-outdated list of cores (but the descriptions of duties are still accurate) can be found at http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/join-a-core/ ---------- 5. Volunteers needed: First Aid Do you or someone you know have medical skills? Like to help people? Love the sight of spilled blood? If you answered yes (or possibly maybe) to any of these questions, please consider helping keep Firefly safe from itself by lending your enthusiasm to Firefly's team of people who are in no way legally responsible for your well-being but are eager to assist you with first aid complaints and health-related concerns at your request and complete indemnification! Contact: Medical@FireflyArtsCollective.org to get involved! Volunteering: it's what Jesus would do! ---------- 6. Volunteers needed: Rangers Do you like to be helpful? Are you comfortable being available as a resource without jumping in to solve other people’s problems or telling them what to do? Have you been to Firefly before, or Rangered at other Burns? If yes, please consider volunteering for the Firefly Rangers! To volunteer, please fill out our annual survey at http://www.tinyurl.com/ffrangers2016 For more info, see our page on the Firefly website: http://fireflyartscollective.org/firefly/join-a-core/rangers/ For questions, email rangers@fireflyartscollective.org See you in the woods! 2015 Ranger Council ----------
participants (1)
The Firefly Official Announcement List