The smollest but not leastest Art Grants are now open for submissions with an increased funding limit! [ https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/art-at-firefly/art-grants/... | Smol Grants ] are meant to help cover expenses associated with projects of a small (or “smol”) size or scope. They feature a greatly streamlined application process -- just fill out this [ https://forms.gle/kyL6gMBqT4ZCprocA | smol google form ] . For 2022 we've increased the max Smol grant to 149$, payable by paypal only. While all art grants are meant to encourage new artists to dip their toes in the water, the Smol grants are super helpful for those little last minute "wouldn't it be fun" Firefly projects. There's only one month left until the event (AAAAAAAA) so get going! [ https://forms.gle/kyL6gMBqT4ZCprocA | Apply for a Smol Grant today ] Thanks, Art Grant Core
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